6 Hangover Cures You Didn't Know Existed

May 26, 2022

One of the last things that anyone wants to experience is a hangover. For many, alcohol consumption has become a part of their daily lives. And, as they get older so does the experience of waking up to nausea, tiredness, and a pounding headache. What many people don’t know is the variety of ways in which a hangover can be cured.

A Dirty Lemon Drink

This drink looks just asdirty as the name suggests, but, it works wonders for curing a hangover. Preparing the drink is no big deal; simply combine lemon juice, water, dandelion extract, ginger and the main ingredient activated charcoal mixed together and the drink is ready. Activated charcoal is made from coconut, coal or wood and is mainly used in detox drinks. The alkaline nature of activated charcoal enables it to absorb the poison (alcohol) and preventing it from getting into the stomach. Lemon activates and boosts the liver function which enables it to filter out the alcohol from the body. Ginger helps in neutralizing and soothing an upset stomach. Dandelion is an excellent source of antioxidants; it stimulates the liver and helps in curing the effects of excess alcohol.


Honey is a good source of antioxidants which help in neutralizing the toxins created by alcohol. Honey also metabolizes the alcohol due to the presence of natural fructose. The fructose enables the body to break down alcohol into harmless by-products. This can prevent having to deal with a hangover-induced headache. In the morning, when the hangover is at its peak, spread honey on a slice of toast, this will aid in digesting the alcohol due to the high amounts of potassium and sodium. Another option is to drizzle it over fruits and yogurt as this will reduce the impact of the hangover as well. A third option is to stir honey in a glass of warm water as this provides the body with a little sugar that balances the sudden change in blood sugar levels due to alcohol consumption.

Bananas, Dates, and Leafy Greens

Drinking in excess causes depletion of electrolytes which results in a shaky feeling and sore muscles. These sore muscles are a sign of a lack of potassium and a great reason to eat a banana. Bananas are a good source of potassium and if eaten in the morning can help recover from the body aches and pains that often come with a hangover. Dates are another great choice as they are packed with vitamins and minerals which help boost the energy. Leafy greens also provide potassium although, it is not something that one would like to have first thing in the morning with a heavy head. The best way is to mix all the three foods in yogurt smoothie.

Enjoy The Music

Listening to music affects the brain in positive ways. It can change ones' mood instantly and relieves nausea. It is also proven to relieve pain and soreness as it distracts the brain. The more you truly enjoy the music, the more immediate the impact that it will have both on your body and your mood. It has been shown that music helps with headaches caused by hangovers as it sends positive neural signals to the brain, it also improves focus and memory and in regulating sleep patterns.

Miso Soup

Miso soup is one of the oldest Japanese hangover remedies, and it has proven to be very effective. It can cure severe headaches, sleep deprivation and stomach upset. This soup is full of enzymes and good bacteria that can churn up and help the liver digest all the alcoholic leftover in the stomach. The sodium content in it will help the body retain the lost water and rehydrate it. Vitamin B is also present in the form of choline (an important nutrient for liver functioning) which speeds up the discharge of alcohol from the body. It also stimulates the appetite which is usually reduced due to alcohol. Miso soup is full of minerals which will help replenish the body and restore all the minerals that were lost due to dehydration. One of the biggest benefits of miso soup is that It is a natural remedy which works equally well as compared to medicines.

Tangy Tomato Juice

Tomato juice has proven to make one sober within an hour of consumption. It activates the enzymes as soon as it is gulped down which clears up the toxins in the body. Scientists have proven that tomato juice is much more effective than water in doing so. It works as an alcohol antidote and reverses the effects of alcohol on the body. Tomato juice also reduces the blood alcohol level dramatically when compared to water. This is because it is filled with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes which help in flushing the alcohol out of the system. Tomatoes do not taste bad and can easily be consumed in the form of juice first thing in the morning.

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