Tattoos — The Upsides and Downsides
Tattoos have been administered throughout history and in more recent years, have become more trendy and acceptable. What was once a symbol associated with prisoners and sailors, is now a way for individuals to express themselves in a more artistic manner. In fact, many individuals are proud to wear art in which they designed or customized themselves. Although the downsides have been highlighted time and time again, there are some significant upsides to tattoos. Here is an overview of both sides of that argument.
The Upsides and Downsides of Tattoos

Tattoos are something which some love and others hate — how can opinions be so mixed? Throughout history tattoos have been given for many different reasons, to ward off illness, to mark status, and even to indicate whether one was a slave, criminal, or prisoner of war. However, nowadays tattoos are a form of art and self-expression.
PRO: Encourage Self-Expression

There's something empowering about self-expression, allowing the world to see who you are. Tattoos are a inexpensive and effective way to display one's beliefs and interests, making choices that personally benefit that individual. Since many believe their body is a blank canvas, they use that to their advantage, showcasing artwork that is meaningful to them and those they're close to.
PRO: Provides A Sense of Community

The tattoo community is fairly close and even though Wall Street may be out of the picture, there are plenty of profitable alternatives within the tattooing world. Also, when attending conventions and other artistic shows, the tattoo community provides a social community that is supportive and encouraging. Many people within this community share similar views and are like-minded when it comes to the self-expression of artwork.
PRO: Memorial Benefits

The fact that tattoos stay with you for life — and do actually age well, is a great way to honor someone's life. Memorial tattoos are extremely popular and individuals who would have never gotten a tattoo prior to losing someone, see how healing it can be. A portrait of a loved one or even a pet is a great way to carry around and celebrate their memory.
CON: Permanence

For some, they may view this downside as an upside, however, for those that regret their decision, tattoo removal can be both expensive and painful. An impulsive decision at the age of twenty, may not be what one believes in when they are forty. The same is true for those who have a name tattooed on them when in a relationship, only to regret their decision once they are no longer together.
CON: Health Risks

There are most certainly some health risks associated with tattoos, some being more serious than others. Certain inks have caused allergic reactions to occur, as well as bacterial infections. Although a respectable shop will be regulated, the possibility of infection can be significant. Of course, the worst case scenario is a dirty needle, increasing the risk of hepatitis or HIV.
CON: Reduced Opportunity

Although many do not agree with the negative stimulus associated with tattoos, the reality is they are often frowned upon in the workplace. If tattoos are visible, this could reduce one's chances of landing their dream job. Even if an individual is qualified, the taboo associated with tattoos can be enough to hinder one's career path. With all of the pros and cons in mind, be sure that you want the lasting impression of every tattoo before you mark yourself forever.