HealthPrep employs the assistance of medical professionals to make sure our content is accurate and useful for our viewers. If you are a medical author and would be interested in writing for us, please let us know at
[email protected]. For a list of conditions we cover, please see below.
Note: We do not accept low quality guest posts or columns. Each article must pass our strict editorial guidelines and reviews. This process will be explained in our response to your request.
Thank you,
Jessica Groom
Editor, Health prep
- Addictions
- Aging
- Allergies
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Anemia
- Arthritis
- Beauty & Skin Care
- Blood Disorders
- Cancer
- Cholesterol
- Chronic Fatigue
- Cold, Flu, Cough & Virus
- Dehydration
- Depression
| - Diabetes
- Eye Health
- Family & Pregnancy
- Featured
- Fitness & Nutrition
- Gout
- Hair Loss
- Hearing
- Heart Burn / GERD
- Heart Disease
- Immune System
- Joint Conditions
- Kidney & Liver
- Living Healthy
- Medications
- Menopause
| - Mental Health
- Mouth & Teeth
- Multiple Sclerosis
- News & Experts
- Pain Management
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Pregnancy Symptoms
- Sexual Conditions
- Skin Problems
- Sleep Disorders
- Stomach Conditions
- Technology & Health
- Uncategorized
- Weight Management
Example Content Quality