Treatment And Prevention Of Harmful Algal Bloom Illnesses

October 2, 2023

Harmful algal bloom illnesses (HAB) occurs when there is accelerated development of algae in its surrounding environment. Algae are plant-like organisms that can be single-celled or multi-celled. An algal bloom is found on the water's surface and often looks like foam or scum and can be different colors. Harmful algal blooms fester in warm weather and is found in bodies of fresh and marine water. Algal bloom becomes harmful when there is an abundance of cyanobacteria and microalgae present. There are several ways individuals can treat and prevent these illnesses. Get to know them now.

Wash Off Immediately After Contact

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The toxins of harmful algal blooms are detrimental to individuals and animals. Exposure to this type of algae can affect the body in several ways. If skin contact is made with contaminated water, the skin may become itchy and irritated. Uncomfortable rashes can also develop. If skin comes in contact with the harmful algal bloom, it needs to be washed off immediately after contact. Pets, like dogs, can also get sick if their fur is exposed to harmful algal blooms and they lick their fur. It is important to rinse off the pet with clean, fresh water to avoid potential exposure and risk. Seek medical treatment right away if symptoms worsen.

Learn more about treating harmful algal bloom illnesses now.

Treatment In A Hospital Setting


Fresh and marine water fish and sea life often ingest the harmful algal bloom and have large amounts of the toxin in their body. If an individual or animal eats these contaminated fish, they can get very sick. Symptoms of ingesting contaminated sea life include severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and other neurological effects. These symptoms begin within a few hours of exposure and can last for several days. Visit the hospital or a medical center to seek treatment for symptoms experienced. Let the health professional know if you have been in contact with harmful algal blooms. They can provide you with advice on how to relieve the symptoms of HAB illnesses. Unfortunately, there are no specific treatments that treat harmful algal bloom illnesses. The health provider can only help by managing symptoms.

Keep reading for more information on preventing harmful algal bloom illnesses.

Stay Out Of Infected Water

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Harmful algal blooms are prominent during certain times of the year. They thrive in warm weather, often appearing around the months of mid-June to September. Some states, like Florida and Ohio, are battling the severe effects of harmful algal blooms. Look for signs on the beach before swimming. Stay out of infected water when there is a high harmful algal bloom warning announced. If there are no signs or advisories posted, check the water quality before going into the water. If you see foam, mats, scum, or discoloration on the water's surface, stay away from the water. When in doubt of the water's safety, just stay out of it.

Continue to learn more about preventing harmful algal bloom illnesses.

Don't Drink Untreated Water

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For added safety measures, do not drink the water even if it's been treated during a harmful algal bloom outbreak. As a general rule of thumb, it is best to avoid drinking all untreated water. Besides worrying about the possible threat of harmful algal bloom containment, there could be other types of bacteria, parasites, and viruses present as well. The toxin found in harmful algal blooms is called cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria is a huge problem for water companies that rely on surface water to service their customers. This toxin corrupts the drinking water treatment and is a very costly problem to fix. The EPA is working on enforcing new rules and regulations to better defend the individuals from the toxins caused by harmful algal blooms.

Discover more ways to prevent harmful algal bloom illnesses.

Don't Wash Dishes Or Clothes In Untreated Water

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It is important to be aware of what harmful algal blooms look like and to stay alert to any outbreaks, so you can plan accordingly. Be prepared to use another source of clean water. When there are harmful algal blooms present, do not wash dishes or clothes with untreated water. Do not attempt to boil the toxin out of the untreated water either, because boiling it will only exacerbate the toxin and create more. Wash the dirty dishes with bottled water. Use an alternative water supply source to wash the laundry. Try to give your laundry load a final rinse with uncontaminated water and sun dry your clothes. Air dry the washed clothes for several days.

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