5 Simple Moves To Give You A Stronger Back
A healthy back is an integral component of great overall health. A strong, flexible spine helps nurture and support all other areas of the body and the mind. Experiencing back pain due to bad posture or incorrect movements can lead to injuries and eventually degenerative diseases. It is vital to learn correct movements that help nurture the back and incorporate them in daily living as well as during exercise. Here are five simple moves to start doing today.
Side Arm Raise

Sitting or standing with the body in proper alignment slowly do side arm raises. Relax the shoulders and take a few deep breaths. As you inhale, raise your arms at your sides up no higher than your shoulders, while maintaining focus on your back muscles and shoulder blades. Think about trying to pinch the shoulder blades in together. Inhale as you raise your arms and exhale as you lower them. Repeat at least ten times.
Seated Cat-Cow

Roll your spine in both directions to improve its strength and flexibility. Seated on the floor, rest your bent legs in a loose butterfly position. Slowly roll your spine and chin in towards your core creating a C-curve with your back and then slowly reverse to lengthen and expand. Repeat this gentle movement slowly at least ten times.
Seated Twist

Gentle spine twists stretch your back muscles and keep you feeling young. Sitting in crossed-legged position or lifting one leg over the other so your ankle rests on the other knee, lengthen your back and slowly twist. You can press your elbow to your raised bent leg to twist a little deeper. Be gentle, hold for ten seconds and repeat on the other side.
Deeper Seated Twist

Deepen your seated twist for a freer spine and an excellent back stretch. A regular seated twist can be further deepened if needed by focusing on exhaling as you engage in the twist. Exhale and twist a little deeper, repeating several times, being sensitive to how your body is feeling. You can do a quick counter twist before switching sides.
Meditate On The Health Of Your Spine

Try meditating to heal your spine for at least three minutes. Sit quietly, close your eyes, take deep life-enriching breaths. Plan to be here for at least three minutes. Perhaps say a prayer of gratitude for good health and try picturing healing energy running through your spine all the way from the top to the bottom.