Food Sources That Can Impact Thyroid Health
The thyroid gland, an organ in the shape of a butterfly located at the base of the neck, is the part of the body responsible for producing and secreting hormones that affect nearly every aspect of an individual's body. When the thyroid becomes stressed, the rate at which it produces hormones slows down, which can result in weight gain, sleep disturbances, skin problems, constipation, fatigue, and psychological problems. Certain foods may be disruptive to how well the thyroid gland functions. Thus, particularly for individuals who are dealing with thyroid issues, diet is quite important. Here are the worst foods for the thyroid gland that should be limited or avoided entirely.

Soy, and therefore most soy products, contains a hormone known as phytoestrogen that may interfere with the ability of the thyroid gland to produce adequate hormones. Some research suggests consuming too much soy may increase the risk of hypothyroidism, which occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. Soy can hide in a lot of unsuspecting foods, which is why individuals should be sure to read the labels on any packaged foods they buy quite carefully. If it helps, soy is commonly found in bean sprouts, teriyaki sauce, chocolate, cereal, dairy substitutes, and even some vitamins.
Cruciferous Vegetables

Although cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, turnips, kale, and cauliflower, are extremely beneficial for preventing many types of cancer, it is important to acknowledge they may have an adverse impact on the function of the thyroid gland. Iodine deficiency is a common cause of hypothyroidism, and eating lots of cruciferous vegetables may inhibit the absorption of adequate iodine. Of course, cruciferous vegetables are part of a healthy and balanced diet. With this in mind, individuals may want to limit their daily intake to five ounces per day, as this amount appears to have no negative effect on thyroid health. Cooking the vegetables also helps prevent them from blocking iodine absorption as well.

Gluten is a highly inflammatory food that may aggravate an individual's digestive system, which can impact the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement medication. Gluten may also contribute to an autoimmune condition known as Hashimoto’s disease (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks thyroid tissue. If individuals choose to eat products that contain gluten, they should make sure they are only consuming whole-grain pasta and bread, which are higher in fiber and nutrients. They should also avoid taking thyroid medication at the same time.
Sugary Foods

Processed foods tend to contain a large amount of refined sugar, which causes an inflammatory response in the body. They also tend to be quite high in calories and low in nutritional value, which affects the production of hormones, causes weight gain, and increases an individual's risk of developing hypothyroidism. Replacing refined sugar with naturally sweet foods, such as berries and other fruit, supports weight loss and healthy thyroid function. Those seeking to reduce their consumption of sugary foods should be on the lookout for and avoid pastries, candy, granola bars, cereal, and just about anything that comes in a package.

Countless individuals rely on a morning cup of coffee to get out of the house on time, but unfortunately, it can also be affecting their thyroid health, especially if they are taking certain medications, as caffeine has been shown to block the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement medications. Patients who take their thyroid medication in the morning should be sure to take it with water and wait at least thirty minutes before drinking coffee. If they need something warm first thing in the morning, they should try herbal tea or hot water with lemon.
High Sodium Foods

Too much sodium affects the function of the thyroid gland in many different ways. Firstly, sodium increases water retention, which can lead to weight gain that disrupts hormone levels. An underactive thyroid also puts individuals at an increased risk of developing high blood pressure. Due to the significant influence of excessive sodium on thyroid gland function, individuals should monitor their sodium intake daily. Hypothyroidism patients should limit their daily intake of sodium to 1500 milligrams per day. To help with this, individuals should consider replacing fast food and fried food with fresh produce or salads with olive oil and vinegar dressing. Reducing the consumption of processed food can also be quite helpful.