How Maca Powder Benefits Health
Maca is a root vegetable that grows high in the Andes mountains and is believed to be a source of outstanding strength and stamina of the Inca people, who have been cultivating this crop for more than two thousand years. The ground-hugging root, which looks like a radish or turnip, comes in a range of colors, including yellow, grey, cream, purple, black, and red. The edible root has a sharp taste like mustard or wasabi and smells faintly of butterscotch.
Traditionally, Inca warriors would consume maca powder to boost their strength and stamina, especially when going into war or on long trips. Maca powder is packed with numerous nutrients, such as vitamins B1, B2, and E, magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, sodium, and selenium. The powder is also a rich source of phytonutrients. Although numerous studies have been conducted to unearth the mystery of maca, it seems researchers have only scratched the surface.
Maca powder can provide numerous health benefits. Get to know some of them now.
Reduces Anxiety And Depression

Nowadays, most individuals lead stressful lives with little or no time to relax and recharge. Although the busy lifestyle can be exciting to some individuals, it can cause a great deal of stress as well. Fortunately, one of maca powder's benefits is the reduction of anxiety and depression. Adaptogens like maca powder help the body fight anxiety and depression by boosting the immune system, balancing the endocrine hormones, and maintaining optimal homeostasis. The high levels of B vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals such as magnesium in maca powder provide the perfect combination of nutrients to reduce anxiety and depression. Magnesium is a powerful mineral that aids in muscle relaxtion, while B vitamins are responsible for balancing the endocrine and nervous systems.
Learn about how maca powder impacts the brain next.
May Improve Brain Function

Maca powder, a superfood, provides nutrients that benefit physical health as well as mental health. In its nutritional profile, this incredible superfood contains more than twenty fatty acids, including omegas 3, 6, and 9. It also contains eighteen out of the possible twenty-two amino acids. A proper balance of fatty acids may improve brain function by enhancing concentration and focus, mental clarity, and improved memory. Omega-3 fatty acids make the outer membrane of brain cells. All nerve signals in the body pass through this fat-rich cell membrane, and a proper supply of the essential fatty acids is needed for the adequate functioning of the brain cells. Studies have shown individuals who use maca powder reported an improvement in their mental acuity.
Besides fatty acids, the eighteen amino acids in maca powder also play a crucial role in improving brain function. Studies have shown the regular consumption of foods rich in amino acids can improve communication skills. Amino acids provide the brain with the power it requires to interpret and respond to everyday communication.
Continue reading to discover what maca powder protects the skin from next.
Protects Skin From The Sun

We all love being outdoors on a sunny day because the sun keeps us warm, cheerful, and also provides our bodies with vitamin D3. Although exposure to the sun may be beneficial to our bodies, excess ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause wrinkles and also increase the risk of skin cancer. Studies have proven the excess ultraviolet exposure is a carcinogen, and individuals are usually advised to apply sunscreen to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the UV rays. Unfortunately, most of the ingredients in sunscreens and sunblocks may not be strong enough to protect the skin from UV radiation.
The good news is there are specific nutrients in maca powder to assist with protecting the skin from the sun. Maca powder contains large amounts of polyphenols and phytonutrients. Polyphenols comprise of powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the body, thus reducing the risk of degenerative diseases of the nervous system, heart disease, and various types of cancer, including skin cancer. These antioxidants also have anti-aging effects on the skin. Maca powder also contains omega-3 fatty acids and selenium, which help reduce UV-induced inflammation and protecting the skin against photoimmunosuppression, photoaging, and photosensitivity disorders.
Get more details on the health benefits of maca powder now.
Increases Exercise And Sports Performance

Maca powder contains incredible nutrients that help increase exercise and sports performance without overstimulating the body. The superfood is loaded with eighteen energy-producing amino acids and immune-boosting vitamins that promote a balanced hormonal functioning.
Nowadays, most athletes use energy boosters that end up overstimulating the adrenal glands (stress glands). Overstimulating the adrenal glands may lead to adrenal fatigue, which impairs performance. On the other hand, using maca powder as an energy booster strengthens the adrenal glands, which in turn improves an individualâs endurance and stamina in sports and exercise. Additionally, maca contains amino acids, which are vital for creating and repairing muscles in the body. A proper supply of amino acids will help an athlete to recover quickly after strenuous exercise. The huge quantities of magnesium in maca also contribute to the good health of the muscles.
Continue to discover more about maca powder and energy now.
Boosts Energy

Nowadays, most individuals depend on caffeinated drinks to boost their energy. But the excessive consumption of caffeine has been associated with various health issues such as restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, stomach upset, irritability, and increased heart rate. Maca powder can be a great alternative for individuals seeking to boost their energy without relying on caffeine. Once in the body, maca functions like a stimulant, although it doesnât contain caffeine. When there is excess glucose in the blood, the body responds by producing insulin, leading to an energy crash. The powder helps stabilize glucose levels in the blood, which are responsible for the high energy levels.