10 Surprising Ways Drinking Beer Can Actually Improve Your Health

January 19, 2025

Beer has never been routinely labelled as a healthy beverage. In fact, given that people associate it with obesity and the 'beer gut,' it is often labelled as an unhealthy drink. However, evidence from scientific studies shows that drinking moderate amounts of beer (one per night for women and two per night for men) can have a variety of health benefits for humans. Check out the 10 surprising ways drinking beer can improve health and prevent disease.

Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease

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Evidence from over twenty large-scale, international studies shows that drinking beer reduces the risk of heart disease. One of these studies, which was conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, determined that there was a 20 to 40 percent reduction in risk. Similarly, a study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health found that “moderate drinkers [were] 30 to 35 percent less likely to have had a heart attack than non-drinkers.” The reduced risk of heart disease can be attributed to the presence of antioxidants in beer, which are known as phenols. High alcohol consumption increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, so moderate beer consumption is essential for optimizing its heart health benefits.

Protects The Brain From Alzheimer's Disease

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A number of researchers have examined the effects of beer consumption on cognitive diseases later in life. In a study conducted at the Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University in Chicago, scientists reviewed the results from several of these studies. Their analysis revealed that moderate beer drinkers were 23 percent less likely to develop a degenerative cognitive disorder, such as dementia or Alzheimer's. Similarly, a study published in TheNew England Journal of Medicine found that elderly women who were moderate drinkers had better mental clarity and memory than their non-drinking peers. These findings are consistent with studies that have shown that moderate alcohol consumption can improve memory, concentration, and even reasoning. Beer contains dietary silicone, which is believed to protect the brain from exposure to high levels of aluminum, a substance that has been linked to cognitive disorders.

Reduces The Risk Of Diabetes

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In a 2011 study conducted at Harvard University, researchers observed approximately 38,000 middle-aged men and found that moderate daily consumption of beer lowered their risk of diabetes by up to 25 percent. Similarly, a 2017 study conducted at the University of Southern Denmark found that moderate alcohol consumption over three to four days a week was associated with the lowest risk of diabetes. The alcohol in beer increases insulin sensitivity in the body, which prevents type 2 diabetes. Beer is also beneficial to people who already have diabetes because the soluble fibre in beer helps to regulate blood sugar. As is the case with heart disease, excessive beer consumption can increase rather than decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Prevents Kidney Stones

Photo Credit: Harvard Health Publications

Based on the results of a study conducted in Finland, researchers concluded that moderate daily intake of beer reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by up to 40 percent. This health benefit can be attributed to the high water content of beer, which makes it easier for the body to flush toxins out. Compounds in beer also reduce the rate at which bones release calcium, which limits the amount of calcium that can build up in the kidneys and cause kidney stones. Heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of kidney stones due to the increase in uric acid in the body. Uric acid can cause a less common type of kidney stone called the uric acid stone.

Minimizes The Risk Of Cancer

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Xanthohumol, known more commonly as hops, is an important antioxidant found in beer. The distinct bitter taste of xanthohumol gives beer its flavour, and different beers contain different amounts of it. Xanthohumol contains properties that fight off cancer-causing enzymes in the human body. Studies show that in men, moderate beer consumption prevents a chemical reaction that can lead to prostate cancer. There is also evidence that moderate beer consumption is linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer in women. Research on the antirestenotic and chemopreventive properties of xanthohumol is currently underway at many institutions around the world as cancer rates rise. Beers with the highest level of xanthohumol are usually traditional beers, such as an Indian pale ale.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

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The human body contains two types of cholesterol: high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). High levels of LDL cholesterol can cause plaque to build up in the arteries, causing a heart attack or stroke. HDL cholesterol scavenges the bloodstream for LDL cholesterol to remove it and send it to the liver to be reprocessed. The alcohol in beer accelerates this process and, therefore, increases HDL levels and decreases LDL levels in the body. Lower cholesterol levels also reduce the pressure placed on the heart and decrease the risk of heart disease and other conditions caused by high cholesterol.

Lowers Blood Pressure

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In regular, moderate amounts, beer can lower blood pressure by two to four millilitres of mercury. Excessive drinking has a negative effect on blood pressure, so moderate consumption is key. Health professionals typically consider a patient's genetic risks, age, and lifestyle before recommending regular intake of beer or another type of alcohol. Because the reduction of blood pressure associated with beer consumption is minimal, the best ways to lower blood pressure are still to lose weight through diet and exercise, limit stress, and reduce sodium intake.

Strengthens Bones

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According to the National Institutes of Health, dietary silicone in beer may reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a disease that affects bone density and is associated with increased fractures and breaks. Orthosilicic acid is the soluble form of dietary silicone. Only recently have the full health benefits of it been studied by scientists. A 2009 study conducted at Tufts University concluded that higher bone mineral density and moderate alcohol consumption are linked. However, people who drink more than a moderate amount of beer (1-2 beers per night) had a lower bone density. Dr. Charles Bamforth of the Food Science and Technology department at the University of California has noted that beer containing higher levels of malted barley and hops contain the most dietary silicone.

Gets Rid Of Dandruff

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Rinsing hair two or three times a week with one bottle of beer is an effective way to get rid of dandruff while leaving the hair soft and shiny. The high yeast content and vitamin B in beer are responsible for producing these effects. Even people without dandruff wash their hair with beer to give it a shine that is hard to achieve. To date, there is no scientific evidence that washing hair with beer reduces dandruff. However, many people swear by it as an easy way to maintain a healthy head of hair without splurging on expensive shampoos.

Lowers The Risk Of A Stroke

Photo Credit: Mother Nature Network

Researchers at the American Stroke Association have found that moderate beer consumption can decrease the risk of a stroke by up to 50 percent. This was in comparison to individuals who were considered to be non-drinkers. A team of researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health carried out another study that concluded that moderate daily beer consumption prevents blood clots, which can block normal blood flow to the brain, causing an ischemic stroke. They examined how drinking beer improved blood flow in the body and found that moderate beer consumption made arteries more 'flexible.'

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