Side Effects Of Suffering From Asthma
Asthma is one of the most common health complications worldwide. In the United States alone, asthma affects over twenty-five million individuals, while in Canada the figure is roughly four million. Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes inflammation of the airways, constricting the passages of the lungs. Asthma can make it more difficult for affected individuals to breathe, particularly when they physically exert themselves, and lead to a host of complications if left untreated. While difficulty breathing is the most common symptom of asthma affected individuals will experience, there is a host of other unfortunate effects from this respiratory illness they can encounter as well.
Get to know the full side effects of asthma now.
Difficulty Sleeping

Aside from the usual symptoms related to difficulty breathing, individuals with asthma often report sleeping difficulties. Because asthma inflammation can lead to a buildup of fluid in the lungs, this fluid can accumulate at night when patients lie down to sleep. Coughing, wheezing, and itchiness of the upper respiratory tract are some of the more common side effects of asthma experienced at night. These can make it incredibly difficult for individuals to get a good night's sleep, particularly as they can even jerk them out of sleep should they even manage to drift off for a moment, which is terrible for the immune system if left untreated for too long. Chronic sleep deprivation comes along with its own set of serious complications, which is why it is crucial for prompt treatment of asthma symptoms to occur so patients can get sufficient rest as much as possible.
Continue reading to learn more about the side effects asthma patients can experience now.
Increased Allergy Responses

For reasons that aren't fully understood, individuals with asthma often report a higher prevalence of moderate to severe allergic reactions than those without asthma. It is speculated asthma could be a concurrent side effect of allergies, or that the inflammation of the lungs associated with asthma allows more allergens to come into contact with sensitive mucous membranes. Whatever the reason is, individuals with asthma often have to deal with the symptoms of allergic reactions alongside their asthma. This is, of course, not a lot of fun. Thus, asthma patients with allergies should avoid triggers as much as possible to prevent any sort of allergic reaction, and should employ medical treatment as soon as possible (including seeking emergency medical care) should any reactions occur.
Get more details on the asthma side effects many individuals will encounter when they have the condition now.

Anxiety is often reported alongside asthma for a number of reasons. When individuals have experience difficulties breathing and experience chronic shortness of breath, they can become nervous or stressed when in situations where medical care might be difficult to come by. Aside from the psychological effects, chronic shortness of breath can lead to an inadequate supply of oxygen to the brain, resulting in feelings of anxiety or nervousness. While anti-anxiety medications can certainly help with the symptoms of anxiety, they are not always a permanent solution when asthma is an exacerbating factor. Thus, treating the underlying issue (asthma) can go quite a long way with reducing or even eliminating the symptoms (anxiety) altogether.
Learn more about the variety of issues patients with asthma often have to deal with now.

Because individuals with asthma often have a fair amount of difficulty getting much sleep in general, much less any quality sleep, another incredibly common side effect of asthma is fatigue, which reduces concentration and memory along with energy. On top of that, however, is the fact asthma blocks the airways of the lungs which leads to lower oxygen supply in the bloodstream. This hypoxic condition can leave many individuals who have asthma chronically fatigued, making exercise and many other daily activities difficult for them to engage in. Many asthma medicines, thankfully, have stimulant properties to help counteract this side effect of asthma. Thus, getting treatment for asthmas is important to sidestep this particular consequence and its own complications, including increased stress, depression, and social isolation.
Read more about the different side effects patients with asthma experience now.
Cardiovascular Diseases

Asthma causes complications in one of the body's most vital systems: the respiratory system. Years worth of strain on the respiratory system, particularly with a condition such as asthma, can cause permanent changes to the patient's heart and lungs, which, over time, can lead to cardiovascular diseases, or at least dramatically increase an individual's risk of developing them. Individuals suffering from asthma are at a much higher risk of heart attack and heart failure than nonasthmatic individuals. Therefore, asthma sufferers must take extra precautions to avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking and poor diets due to the complications this respiratory disease can create.
Uncover more asthma side effects now.
Increased Sick Days From Work Or School

When dealing with chronic asthma, patients are more likely to have a cold or other respiratory illness that makes it impossible for them to work or attend school. Increased sick days from work or school is one of the unfortunate side effects from having chronic asthma, but individuals can avoid illnesses by using good habits such as washing their hands frequently, getting an influenza immunization annually, and avoiding anyone who is sick. They should also make sure to avoid cold and dry environments that can lead to an asthma attack. With the right daily habits, patients are less likely to have a severe asthma attack or an illness that requires taking sick days.
Continue for more details on the side effects of asthma now.
Weight Gain From Steroid Use

Weight gain from steroid use is a concern for anyone with asthma. If patients have serious respiratory distress during an asthma attack, then their physician might prescribe oral steroids rather than having them use an inhaler. Fortunately, the inhaler device recommended for asthma sufferers has a lower level of steroids. In addition, the medication from an inhaler enters the lungs rather than the digestive system. However, individuals can gain weight from taking steroids because this medication increases their appetite. Patients can avoid gaining weight after taking steroids by planning to eat low-calorie fresh fruits or vegetables to satiate their appetite. Thus, they should make sure to exercise more to avoid gaining weight throughout their body, especially in their abdomen.
Understand additional asthma side effects now.
Permanent Airway Remodeling

Permanent airway remodeling is one of the detrimental side effects of having asthma for many years. Numerous changes occur in the human body's airways due to respiratory distress. Some of these changes include alterations of the epithelial lining, enlargement of the glands near the airways, a smoother muscle mass and thickening of the bronchi. In addition, the airways of the affected individual can become narrower with chronic inflammation and excess amounts of mucus. As a side effect of having asthma, the lungs are damaged permanently, making patients more susceptible to other respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis.
Get familiar with more issues related to asthma now.
Other Side Effects Of Asthma Medication

Unfortunately, there are other side effects of asthma medication that can affect an individual's daily life, including chronic coughing, sore throat or easy bruising on the skin. Adults may develop osteoporosis or a loss of bone mass that can lead to frequent bone fractures. If patients are taking asthma medication or using an inhaler, they are more likely to develop a fungal infection in the mouth that can lead to additional health problems. Some types of medication can cause headaches, sinus congestion or nausea, so if affected individuals notice a problem with their asthma medication, then they should inform their physician who can switch them to something different.