15 Big Nutrition Myths, Debunked By Experts
Nutrition is an ever-changing industry. It seems like new studies come out every week debunking the last popular trend. Because of this, it is easy to get confused about what is the best for our health. Health magazines are largely responsible for getting the rumors started. Skimming through the pages to see what diet worked for popular celebrities is the wrong way to get started. Here are the top fifteen nutrition myths debunked by experts.
Everyone Needs To Detox

A detox is a fancy word used to describe the removal of toxins from the body. Luckily, the human body comes equipped with two built-in organs to do just that. The liver and kidneys are designed to eliminate toxic substances from the blood and eliminate them via excretion. Spending lots of money on detox products is a waste of time and money. To really flush the toxins, try eating lots of fruits and vegetables full of antioxidants and fiber to naturally increase toxin removal.
Cooking Vegetables Is Bad

Many nutrients are lost when foods are heated to high temperatures. For this reason, many people think they should avoid cooking their vegetables. But some vegetables are healthier when they are cooked. These include spinach, kale, mushrooms, tomatoes and carrots. Cooking vegetables also makes them easier to break down, which is beneficial for those with digestive problems. Cooked vegetables are better than eating none at all.
Dieting Is Harmful

While many people do not like the word “dieting,” it is certainly not harmful. A diet should not refer to a restrictive list of food only allowed to be consumed within a certain period of time. Diet should mean a healthy way of life that includes good eating habits. It should be part of a lifelong clean eating plan that is not limited and allows for room to grow.
Supplements Are A Waste of Money

Obtaining nutrients from whole food sources is always best. Because no one’s diet is perfect, supplementing is recommended. Turmeric is a perfect example of an anti-inflammatory supplement almost anyone can benefit from. Studies have shown it to be as effective as the prescription drug Prozac when it comes to treating depression. It also aids in digestive distress and the management of chronic illnesses.
Sweets and Junk Food Have No Place in the Diet

Balance is key to successful eating habits. Labeling a food as off-limits makes it more tempting and increases the odds of binging on it. It also taxes your mental health. Eating junk foods and sweets in moderation is perfectly acceptable. Save these items for a designated 'cheat day'. Eating them in small portions helps the individual gain control over their nutrient intake without feeling like they are missing out.
High Fructose Corn Syrup Is Worse Than Table Sugar

Damaging inflammation to the tissues and organs is a side effect of sugar no matter where it comes from. People who fill their shopping carts full of items labeled “No High Fructose Corn Syrup” are not exactly doing themselves a favor. Eliminating all forms of sugar from the diet, with the exception of natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables, is recommended.
Do Not Eat Late At Night

An individual’s metabolism is at work during all hours of the day, including during sleep. This means no matter what time of day a meal is eaten, it still requires the same amount of effort by the body to break it down. Eating late at night does not lead to weight gain anymore than eating a large meal first thing in the morning.
Poor Nutrition Means Self Neglect

An improper diet does not mean there is a lack of self-respect within the individual. Many people simply do not know where to start. Being raised by family members who eat unhealthy makes it challenging for the individual to change their diet. While having self respect does not start with a proper diet, it may certainly help. Mood boosting foods include salmon, chocolate, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables.
Too Much Salt Is Bad

An excessive amount of salt has been linked to cardiovascular problems and hypertension. But the source of the salt should be more of a concern than the amount itself. Sodium is a mineral needed to balance electrolytes in the blood. Without it, the body would not be able to retain proper fluid levels. Replacing high salty fast foods in the diet with fresh cooked vegetables seasoned with olive oil, sea salt and pepper is recommended.
Fruit Is Bad Because It Is High In Sugar

Some people eliminate fruit from their diet because it is too high in sugar. Recent studies have proven that the natural sugars found in fruits have the opposite effect on insulin levels as table sugar and high fructose corn syrup. One study found that when berries were eaten in combination with white bread, the berries reduced the insulin level spike associated with eating white bread.
Vegans Do Not Eat Enough Protein

Eliminating meat from the diet does not mean an individual is lacking in protein. Westernized diet trends have people eating more protein than needed. Research shows no more than zero point eight or zero point nine grams of protein is needed per pound of body weight each day. This can easily be achieved by pairing together plant foods that create a complete protein, or a meal that includes all twenty two essential amino acids, such as brown rice and black beans.
Meat Is Unhealthy

Meat has been a sustainable part of the human diet for centuries. It provides a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Recent studies have shown the saturated fat content in meat does not increase the risk for cardiovascular disease as it once thought to. While meat consumption should not take the place over fruits or vegetables, eating several four ounce sized portions several times per week from an organic, antibiotic-free farmer can be part of a healthy diet.
Only Use Food as Fuel

Fueling the body is an important part of food’s job but it is not the only benefit. Macronutrients are broken down into energy, which is needed to keep metabolic processes going. But food is also a great source of joy for many people. It brings people together socially and promotes good mental health. Being able to enjoy food is an important part of developing a healthy diet.
Carbohydrates Increase Body Fat

The low carbohydrate movement has done an excellent job at making people afraidto eat them. With the claim that carbohydrates increase body fat, they are left out of diets all across the world. But whole grains provide an excellent source of fiber, iron, B vitamins, zinc and sustainable energy. Try avoiding processed carbohydrates such as crackers, granola bars and white bread. Instead, replace these items with whole grain options.
Starvation Is The Only Way to Become Thin

Withholding calories from the body has the opposite effect on metabolism. It slows down the efficiency of the digestive process and increases the risk of binge eating. The best way to boost metabolism and lose weight is by eating smaller meals throughout the day. This method of eating allows the digestive system to efficiently break down nutrients, making them easier to be absorbed into the small intestine where they can be burned as energy.