Get Jacked With The Workouts Of These WWE Superstars
Training like a professional wrestler requires some serious gym time and paying close attention to your diet. These wrestlers train twice a day several times a week and even get up as early as three in the morning to hit the treadmill. Each wrestler has his preferred technique from CrossFit to fight training. Want to begin building more muscle and strength? Then take a look at what your favorite WWE star does to stay jacked and in beast mode.
Vince McMahon

Although Mr. McMahon is no longer a WWE wrestler, he still trains like one. The two-time world champion competed into the later years of his life, so his workouts had to be intense enough to keep up with the younger guys. Depending on his work schedule, he trains four days per week and aims to work each body part once. His workouts alternate between heavy and not-so-heavy, and he trains his abs twice a week.
Triple H

Paul Michael Levesque, or Triple H, holds a total of twenty-five championships. He splits his workouts up by body parts. On day one he works his chest; day two is his back; day three is shoulders; day four is legs; day five is arms, and days six and seven are off. He does thirty to forty-five minutes on the treadmill first thing in the morning or following his workout. Some of his favorite exercises are pull-ups, one-arm dumbbell row, dumbbell fly’s and incline bench press.

Batista, otherwise known by his real name as Dave Bautista Jr., is a six-time WWE world champion. He divides his outwork into three days of the week. A typical day of legs consists of ten to fifteen sets of both standing and seated calf raises, seated, lying and standing leg curls, leg extensions, leg presses and hack squats. He occasionally includes a twenty-minute elliptical cardio session in his workouts, but for the most part, he keeps the cardio limited to his matches in the ring.
Steve Austin

The beer-chugging Stone Cold Steve Austin holds nineteen championships throughout this career and was inducted into the WWE hall of fame in 2009. He trains four days per week and concentrates on lifting heavier weights. He’s a fan of squats, deadlifts, dumbbell shrugs and barbell shrugs. Of his cardio regimen, he said, ”I don’t run anymore, but I have two cardio machines in my garage, and I do ninety minutes per day- forty-five minutes in the morning and forty-five after I train.”

Claudio Castagnoli is better known by his ring name of Cesaro. His secret for getting in shape is hitting up local CrossFit gyms. The Swiss Superman focuses his workout around presses, squats, and deadlifts. He said, “One of my favorite workouts is with a deck of cards. You just design an exercise to each suit, and then face cards are ten reps, aces are twenty, and then the rest, the numbers are on there. So you do pushups, squats, sit-ups and whatever else you want and do it on the deck of cards.”
John Cena

John Cena has earned twenty-four championships so far in his WWE career. He gets in the gym five days a week and concentrates on rotating targeted muscle groups depending on the day. His workouts generally include squats, seated calf raises, barbell curls, barbell bench presses, triceps dips and military press. He uses a combination of simple dumbbell routines and bodyweight exercises that work his biceps, triceps and back to obtain those massive arms.
Randy Orton

Randy Orton is a third-generation professional wrestler, and he currently holds fifteen WWE championships. The ex-marine is one of the leaner professional wrestlers, but he works just as hard in the gym. His workout focuses on three different exercises for each body part and five for each leg. He is a fan of extensions, raises and curls, and presses until failure. He also maintains a high protein and low carbohydrate diet to keep him lean and trim in the ring.

Ryan Allen Reeves, otherwise known as Ryback, has six WWE championships under his belt so far. His massive physique is largely in part to his training regime, which includes hitting the gym Monday through Friday and focusing on major muscle groups such as biceps, back, legs, chest, and shoulders. His workouts include four sets of up to twenty-five repetitions. He also eats eight times per day to keep his calories up.
Brock Lesner

Four-time WWE champion Brock Lesner trains twice a day four times per week to maintain his conditioning. His workouts are divided into morning and night sessions. One workout is dedicated to fight training while the second is focused on developing his body. He cycles through six weeks of power training and four weeks of conditioning. His favorite exercises are skull crushers, bench press, dumbbell fly’s incline dumbbell press, and triceps pushdowns.
The Rock

Dwayne Johnson, otherwise known as his stage name The Rock, has seventeen WWE championships. To bulk up, he trains six days a week and wakes up as early as three in the morning to lift. He recommends doing an hour of cardio before hitting the weights. His favorite exercises include dumbbell bench press, cable crossovers, leg press, seated leg curls, leg extensions, barbell and hammer curls, pull-ups, barbell shrugs, triceps pushdown and Russian twists.