How To Treat And Prevent Bone Spurs

September 16, 2023

Bone spurs are extra pieces of bone the body makes when damage occurs at the end of a bone. These extra pieces of bone are not necessarily a problem, and many individuals do not even know that they have bone spurs. However, sometimes they cause pain. For example, if the bone spur gets in the way of normal joint movement or if it forms too close to a nerve, it can cause problems. Bone spurs typically form after injuries, but they can also be caused by arthritis and by some autoimmune diseases such as lupus. Obesity, excessive exercise and genetic risk factors may also play a role in causing bone spurs. Learn how to prevent and treat bone spurs now.

Take Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medication As Directed

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Individuals experiencing pain due to bone spurs should take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication as directed. These medications work by blocking certain substances produced by the body that cause pain and inflammatory responses. Many of them are available over-the-counter, such as ibuprofen, but stronger ones sometimes have to be prescribed. A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication will not prevent or get rid of bone spurs, but it will help patients deal with any discomfort the bone spurs are causing. Whether patients are using a prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication or an over-the-counter one, they should be sure to follow the directions carefully and not take more than the recommended amount.

Get the details on more ways to treat and prevent bone spurs now.

Physical Therapy

Strengthening Exercises. Photo Credit: Livestrong @Livez

Physical therapy can be a very helpful treatment for bone spurs. This usually involves doing stretching exercises to improve the range of motion in the joints. This is important because bone spurs can get in the way of joints and reduce the range of motion. Therapy also involves some strength training to strengthen the muscles, especially in the core. This will give patients more muscular support and lessen the pressure on their joints. Finally, if the bone spurs are causing specific nerves to become compressed, the physical therapist can provide exercises that reduce compression. A physical therapist's toolkit also includes massages, electrical stimulation, and several other unique methods used to treat pain.

Continue reading for more information on treating and preventing bone spurs now.

Wear Appropriate Footwear

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Exercising with the wrong type of shoes can cause damage to the bones in the feet, ankles, and legs, which can lead to bone spurs. It is important to wear appropriate footwear when playing sports and running, and it is equally important for individuals to wear the correct shoes for their feet daily, whether they are exercising or not. For example, if an individual is flat-footed or has high arches, they need shoes with the right type of support. This is especially important if the individual is a runner or play a sport that involves a lot of running. Running is a very high-impact activity, and it can quickly lead to injury if the individual is not wearing good running shoes. Many individuals overlook the importance of high-quality running shoes because they do not know about the consequences of wearing cheap sneakers or shoes that are not right for their feet. It is also a good idea to get good, supportive walking shoes.

Reveal more details on preventing and treating bone spurs now.

Consume A Balanced Diet

Photo Credit: HuffPost Australia

Obesity is a major risk factor for developing bone spurs. Therefore, it is a good idea for individuals to consume a balanced diet if they want to avoid bone spurs. This means avoiding eating too much sugar and saturated fat and consuming plenty of vegetables. It is recommended to eat two to three cups of vegetables daily. If individuals have trouble losing or maintaining their weight, they should consider keeping track of their calorie intake. This will help individuals make sure they are eating the right portion sizes. Exercising is also important, but weight loss is achieved mainly through diet. Losing weight may not make bone spurs go away, but it will likely prevent more of them from developing.

Get to know more about how to prevent and treat bone spurs now.

Regularly Perform Weight-Bearing Exercises

Photo Credit: Bodylab

It is recommended that everyone regularly perform weight-bearing exercises for general health, but this is especially important for individuals prone to bone spurs. When individuals do strength or resistance training, they strengthen not only their muscles but also their bones. Individuals who do strength training tend to have denser bones than those who do not do weight-bearing exercise. Dense bones are sturdier and are less likely to develop bone spurs. The good news is individuals don't have to go to the gym to start resistance training. Body weight exercises are great, and individuals can get a cheap set of resistance bands that can be used virtually anywhere. The most important thing is to be consistent and aim to do a strength training workout at least three times per week.

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