Effective Ways To Manage Rosacea

October 19, 2023

Rosacea is a common and chronic skin condition that causes an affected individual to experience symptoms like facial redness, swollen red bumps, as well as dry and irritated eyes. Unfortunately, rosacea is quite the annoying skin condition to deal with, both physically as well as mentally. This is aggravated by the fact what causes rosacea is largely unknown, despite the identification of numerous triggers, including spicy foods, wind, cosmetics, extreme temperatures, and certain blood pressure medications. There are quite a few medical treatments available for individuals who suffer from rosacea to effectively treat their conditions. What's more, there are even simple tips and tricks that will help affected individuals reduce their rosacea flare-ups, all based on the most common reported triggers for the condition.

Be Careful When Exposed To Sun And Wind

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The weather is one of the most common triggers amongst those with rosacea, especially hot, humid, and windy conditions. Even slight exposure to the sun causes some individuals to break out in an itchy, bumpy rash. If individuals with rosacea need to be outdoors when sun exposure is the strongest (10 AM to 2 PM), they should source an all-natural sunscreen.

On humid days, individuals should try to stay indoors where it's cooler. They should also stay hydrated and pat their face with a cool, damp cloth. During the winter months, when the dry wind tends to pick up, patients with rosacea should cover their face when they go outside, such as with a thick scarf. They should also be sure to use a natural moisturizer daily.

Better Manage Emotional Stress


It's common for individuals with rosacea to experience heightened levels of anxiety and stress, based on their physical symptoms. unfortunately, emotions and stress can make their rosacea worse. Although this is a common trigger, it can be managed to reduce flare-ups. As mentioned by the National Rosacea Society, up to forty percent of patients practice stress-reduction techniques.

Not all emotional or stressful situations may be a trigger for rosacea for certain patients. At work, individuals may find they can handle related stressors, however, a fight with their partner may cause a flare-up to occur. Individuals with rosacea should start by understanding their personal triggers to make beneficial changes. They should then either avoid these situations or develop more beneficial coping mechanisms that help them reduce their stress, such as deep breathing.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol. Photo Credit: Dreamstime @unknown

Although alcohol is not a known cause of rosacea, it is a common trigger. Red wine tends to be the drink that yields the most problematic symptoms, followed by white wine and then beer. Over time, alcohol can make a patient's symptoms worse due to its effects on cardiovascular function. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, but tyramines in red wine dilate the blood vessels even further, which may explain why such a high percentage of patients experience a flare-up after consumption. If individuals with rosacea do drink a glass of wine or beer, they should ensure they consume plenty of water as well.

Be Cautious Of Certain Skincare Products

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There are plenty of additives in skincare products that may cause an individual's skin to flare-up, increasing the severity of rosacea. Some of the most common irritants within skincare products include alcohol, fragrance, menthol, witch hazel, and exfoliating agents. Whenever sourcing skin products, individuals with rosacea should focus on all-natural ingredients and ensure their products are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic as much as possible.

Additionally, before using a new product, whether it's a skin cream or makeup, rosacea patients should test it on their neck first to see if a reaction occurs before using it on their face. If individuals find skincare products or cosmetics are the primary rosacea trigger for them, they may wish to adjust their products or consider reducing their exposure.

Watch Dietary Choices

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Everyone is different, though some common foods often cause a rosacea flare-up to occur. Some of these trigger foods include liver, chocolate, dairy products, spicy foods, citrus fruits, certain beans, and carbonated beverages. It has been suggested for individuals who suffer from rosacea should adopt a more alkaline diet. Ultimately, they should focus on a clean diet full of fiber-rich foods, fresh vegetables, and berries. Whenever possible, patients should avoid dairy and meat products, as these can increase inflammation. Of course, moderation is key, though individuals with rosacea should still dramatically reduce their intake of salt and sugar, as well as fried foods.

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