Regardless of what the number in on the scale, certain habits can make one feel like they have gained a considerable amount of weight in just days. Most experience a belly bloat, which might lead a woman to a few unwanted pregnancy inquiries. It is not uncommon for one to feel like their favorite pair of jeans shrunk overnight; this is related an increase of air in the human intestine, causing the abdomen to distend and bloat. This extra gas is usually accompanied by water retention, which is then noticeable on the scale.
Vegetables to be Avoided
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If one wants to prevent intestinal bloating, cruciferous vegetables must be avoided. These include cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and brussels sprouts, amongst others. Because these greens carry a sugar called raffinose - which is hard for the body to break down - it results in an increased production of gas that bloats the intestines. These vegetables have vitamins, fiber, and disease-fighting phytochemicals that are good for the human body, so they should not be removed entirely from one's diet. However, if the goal is to look thinner by the weekend, it would be best to skip them during the week. Certain super foods to eat in place of cruciferous vegetables include romaine lettuce, parsley, chicory, spinach, beet greens, Chinese cabbage, and watercress.
Indulge in Probiotics
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Probiotics restore the healthy balance of gut bacteria which helps the human body to digest food with more efficiency. Foods like sauerkraut, tempeh, miso, pickles, yogurt, and a range of fermented dairies improve digestive health, reduce depression and promote heart health. Some studies suggest that they are good for the skin as well. One thing to be noted, those who are lactose intolerant or display some dairy allergies should opt for dairy-free probiotics, as lactose will make them feel more bloated on top of exhibiting other risks to their health. There are also many probiotic supplements that should be adopted into the diet under the recommendation of a professional.
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When feeling bloated, a spin class or CrossFit will not seem like the best idea. In fact, being bloated makes most individuals want to lay still in one position until the feeling passes, but this should be avoided at all costs. Exercise is essential for stimulating one's digestive system and the bowels by efficiently moving the gases that cause bloating through the system. Sweating also helps in the release of retained fluids, so a vigorous workout is highly recommended. Some doctors believe that one of the leading causes of chronic belly bloat is a sedentary lifestyle; therefore even a daily walk can help to prevent it.
Calming Down
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Stress increases bloating, and when combined with anxiety, the body releases adrenaline that alters the way in which the body processes food. Bloating is not the only consequence as it also results in indigestion and stomach pains. Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation are used to calm one's mind and aide in unwanted indigestion. Using techniques such as taking a relaxing walk or drinking chamomile tea are just a few options for those suffering from stress bloating. Another useful tool is to remain calm, as unnecessary stress is not good for the body. It also heavily affects mental health, so learning how to de-stress will help one's body as well as one's mind.
Reduce Sodium Intake
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Many foods are fine so long as they are consumed in moderation. Sodium is at the top of this list as it is essential for the human body to function correctly, except when it is used in excess. Consuming too much sodium causes the body to retain an incredible amount of water. Sodium is found in high quantities in processed foods as well as ready-to-eat meals, so it is best to avoid these. Eating diuretic vegetables such as asparagus, cucumber, and zucchini will reduce salt-induced bloating. In the same respect, consuming foods rich in potassium such as bananas, spinach, and avocados will provide the same relieving effects.
Do Not Swallow Air
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When one consumes additional air via food or carbonated beverages; it fills the intestines similarly to the inflation of a balloon. A method used to prevent this occurrence is drinking liquids slowly from a cup and to not rush through eating. When one devours food in a hurry, they end up swallowing a high amount of gas-producing air, usually without noticing. Avoiding carbonated drinks and chewing gum is another way to prevent bloating, while always being on the move and exercising to keep the excess air inside the body circulating.
Stay Away From Sodas
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As previously mentioned, carbonated drinks are the leading culprit behind increased air in the stomach. They contain a lot of gas, much more than the body needs, therefore causing an uncomfortable bloating. Some choose to swap soda for sparkling water, which has the same effect on the intestines. Instead of carbonated water, one should opt for flat water, which prevents unwanted bubble-induced bloating as well as many other benefits. When dehydrated, the intestines do not function accordingly, causing the body to retain an excessive amount of water. Drinking plenty of non-carbonated water guarantees that this will not happen.
Artificial Sweeteners
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Many believe that sweetener is a wiser choice over added sugars. Both chewing gum and diet soda are not only poor choices because of their gas inducing components, but also because of the high levels of artificial sweetener in them. The human body is not meant to absorb nor break down these synthetic substances as they would natural sugars. Artificial sweeteners reduce caloric intake because they are not absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine. Because of this, they end up in the colon where bacterias ferment these substances and create an excess of gas and bloating. Instead of replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners, choose natural sweeteners such as honey to reduce bloating considerably.
Avoid Carbs and Dairy
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Foods rich in carbohydrates cause the human body to store more water, instead of necessary proteins. Regardless of low-calorie a product claims to be, dairy products and multi-grains will always expand once they reach the intestines. Carbs are essential for the human body to function, so consuming natural sources of carbs such as bananas and sweet potatoes are a healthier alternative, as they contain less sodium than processed carbs. Some great breakfast choices include raw oats, apples, cinnamon, and egg whites as a base recipe for pancakes, creating a natural and healthy mix. Since these fibers are soluble ones, they promote healthy digestion and are highly unlikely to cause bloating.