The Worst Foods For A Hyperactive Toddler Or Child

November 1, 2023

Toddlers are a nonstop bundle of energy. They jump from one activity to the next without warning. Feeding a toddler can be tricky. Many children's foods are loaded with toxic substances full of serious side effects. Food colorings and dyes are heavily regulated or banned in many countries but are common in the United States. Food manufacturers target children by labeling their foods with bright colors and fun characters. Keep reading to discover the worst foods to feed to your kids, especially if you have a hyperactive toddler at home.



The most popular Pop-Tart flavor is frosted strawberry, which contains many harmful ingredients. Listed within the first seven ingredients are corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, and sugar. These ingredients are linked to sugar addiction, childhood diabetes, and liver issues. Pop-Tarts also contain a petroleum-based product known as TBHQ. It can cause damage to human DNA and cell dysfunction.

Petroleum is used to make food colorings and dyes in the United States. It has been banned and labeled as a carcinogen in Europe. Vision loss, tumors, liver enlargement, convulsions, paralysis, and neurotoxic effects are potential side effects of TBHQ. Instead of Pop-Tarts for breakfast, make some homemade oatmeal bars. Add in some dried fruit or nuts for an added health boost. Make them the night before so they will be ready just as easily as a Pop-Tart would be.

Fruit Snacks


Fruit snacks are full of food coloring to make them more appealing to young children. Red 3, also known as erythrosine, is commonly used in fruit snacks as well as other snacks claiming to be healthy. Red 3 is most commonly known for causing thyroid tumors. It is commonly used in baked goods, candy, maraschino cherries, sausage casings, and many children's medication. Red 3 is also banned in the use of externally applied medications and cosmetics.

Homemade fruit roll-ups are easy to make and a great alternative to those heavily processed fruit snacks you find down the grocery aisle. To make these delicious treats, first puree a blend of frozen berries in a food processor. Spread the mixture evenly over a cookie tray and dehydrate in the oven on low heat for eight to nine hours. These homemade treats are fantastic in your child's lunch box that they are guaranteed to love!

M&Ms And Other Candies

Fitlife TV

These bite-sized treats, along with many other colorful chocolate-coated candies, contain the food colorings red 40, blue 1, blue 2, yellow 6, and yellow 5. Blue 2 has been associated with tumor development in the bladder and brain. Blue 1 inhibits nerve cell development. Red 40 is the most widely used food coloring. It causes hypersensitivity or allergy-like symptoms in children. Red 40 has also been linked to hyperactivity in children.

Yellow 6 causes adrenal tumors and allergic-like reactions in children. To avoid giving your child these tasty candies, make a homemade batch of M&M alternatives to avoid food colorings and dyes. Melt equal parts coconut oil, raw honey, and raw cacao powder together in a saucepan over low heat. Dip raw peanuts or other nuts into the mixture and set aside to harden.

Cheetos And Cheese Snacks


Cheetos are brightly colored, crunchy, and incredibly tasty. Although delicious and oh-so-cheesy, eating Cheetos and other cheese snacks may cause long-term damage to the body. Cheetos and other cheese snacks contain food dye yellow 6, which has been associated with adrenal tumors. Specifically, the "Flamin' Hot" brand of Cheetos has been linked to gastritis, abdominal stress, and addiction or dependency in children.

Instead, parents should try giving their child organic cheese and non-GMO crackers to munch on instead. Parents can also try to bake their own cheese crackers for their children as well, using organic or full-fat cheese and whole milk or cream to ensure their child is getting the appropriate amount of good fats in their diet.

Teddy Grahams


These cute and cuddly looking bears are full of harmful chemical ingredients that your hyperactive toddler or child should not be consuming. They are laced with TBHQ, which is a known carcinogenic. It may also cause vomiting, nausea, anxiety, and a disturbance in mental abilities. Look for store-bought crackers containing four or fewer ingredients with no preservatives. An example is wheat crackers with whole wheat flour, sea salt, honey, and water. Many gluten-free options are available in store as well. Seed crackers are made with a combination of brown rice flour and seeds and are another great alternative. They are a healthier option for children, with less sugar, and just as tasty!

Lunch Meats

King Arthur Flour

Many premade lunchboxes for children include bologna, turkey, smoked ham, and roast beef. Eating one slice per day may pose dangerous health risks. Processed meats are full of preservatives called nitrates. These preservatives are known to increase an individual's risk of developing cancer and heart disease. It is best to avoid all premade sandwich meats due to their high sodium content and preservatives. Parents can make a sandwich with a few pieces of last night's organic chicken or real meat. Top it with fresh avocado and cheese. Serve it on sprouted grain whole wheat bread for an added healthy touch.

French Fries


There is very little nutritional benefit to eating French fries, as they are considered to be full of empty calories. Some individuals may believe they are okay due to French fries being made from potatoes. However, parents should be warned that feeding them to children may develop unhealthy eating habits in the future. French fries are fried in sodium and oils with high amounts of saturated and trans fats. Many brands also contain gluten.

Instead, try making homemade potato wedges at home. Slice a few potatoes into wedges, then toss them in olive oil, sea salt, and parsley. Bake in the oven until crispy and serve with an avocado dipping sauce. For a healthier take on these homemade wedges, substitute white potatoes for sweet potatoes, as they are considered less starchy and a complex carbohydrate.


King Arthur Flour

Ordering and eating a pizza can be a health disaster. For one, they are often full of processed meats, which have been linked to cancer. Canola oil is high in fat and cholesterol, and has been associated with heart disease and is often used in place of olive oil. The crust is typically made of enriched white flour, which has been linked to obesity and diabetes. Pizza sauce usually contains a lot of refined sugar and contains no real health benefits.

Instead of ordering in, why not make an oven-baked pizza at home by using whole wheat flour, organic cheeses and meats, fresh tomatoes, and lots of vegetables. Send kids to school the next day with leftovers for lunch along with a piece of fruit for a healthy lunch that is not packed with saturated and trans fats.

Juice Boxes

HuffPost Canada

Juice boxes are basically liquid sugar. They raise blood sugar levels, which causes children to go from perfectly sensible to rambunctious in no time. Insulin sensitivity is linked to Type 2 diabetes, which is connected to raising one's blood sugar levels. Concentrated fruit juices are usually heated to a high temperature, resulting in little to no nutrients left in the final product. Many fruit juices have been stripped of fiber so they are easy to drink a lot of because they do not provide a feeling of fullness.

Make homemade juice instead by using a juicer or opt for cold-pressed juices, which do not strip the juice of its various nutrients. Smoothies containing a banana, berries, peanut butter, non-dairy milk, and spinach are great for sneaking some greens into a child's diet as well.

Breakfast Cereals

Daily Record

Breakfast cereals with fun characters and bright colors are often used as a marketing ploy to target children so they will convince their parents to purchase it for them. Many breakfast cereals contain a variety of different colored dyes linked to cancer, ADHD, and neurological damage. Numerous breakfast cereals are also high in refined sugar, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, and autoimmune conditions later on in life.

Parents should try to avoid the brightly colored choices and should opt for whole wheat cereals that do not contain artificial colors, preservatives, or flavors. Remember to always read the label, and if in doubt, feed your child whole grain oatmeal or steel oats with fresh fruit to start their day off right.

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