10 Natural Treatments For Seasonal Allergy Sufferers

November 2, 2023

Spring and summer are both wonderful times of the year. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the trees are coming into leaf, and flowers are blooming everywhere. But those who suffer from seasonal allergies may find it hard to feel happy about the changing season and might not want to spend any time outside. Instead, they might close all the doors and windows, and shut themselves off from the great outdoors. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are many ways that allergy sufferers could reduce their allergy symptoms, or use natural treatments to alleviate them.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is used for so many conditions, so it's no surprise that it has applications in treating seasonal allergies. For best effect, it's best to purchase organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar that contains the "mother" - that is the part of the apple cider vinegar that contains the beneficial bacteria that is so important for this purpose. For maximum effect, take this simple concoction three times a day. Pour a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar into a cup of cold water and drink it down. Smaller doses of apple cider vinegar, taken at different times of the day, is also said to help with weight loss and to improve digestion.

Change Of Diet

Sometimes the simplest thing to reduce seasonal allergies is to change what you eat and when you eat it. Scientists have shown that there is a strong connection between healthy gut bacteria and experiencing allergies to other things. Inflammation of all kinds is connected to each other. So, it's possible that some people suffering from seasonal allergies may find that, by changing their diet, they can reduce the severity of seasonal allergy symptoms or make them disappear altogether.

Dust Away The Dust

One of the most common allergens is dust. The reason for this is unknown, however, it just goes without saying that it's impossible to entirely get rid of dust. Afterall dust is generated by dead skin cells flaking off and being transported through the air and landing on objects in the home or workplace. So it makes sense to simply dust regularly (like once a week) in order to keep the levels of dust to a minimum. If, however, your allergies are severe, consider hiring a cleaning service to come in once a month for a thorough cleaning.

Green Tea Is Great

Green tea is another widely used natural treatment that has a variety of uses. Said to help with a host of other conditions, green tea is sometimes used to alleviate seasonal allergies. That's because it has natural antihistamine properties, which can make it easier for the user to breathe freely. Simply start taking two cups of green tea a day, about two weeks before allergy season begins. But be careful - this remedy can interfere with allergy skin testing, so wait until after your allergies have been confirmed before starting this treatment.

Raw Local Honey

The theory behind consuming raw, local honey is that local honey contains pollen from local plants and that, like an immunization, consuming it can help the body develop an immunity to local pollens that might be troublesome for some. Unfortunately, there is no evidence to support this theory, but many people swear by this practice in an effort to counteract their seasonal allergies. If you choose to use this treatment, it's best to take about a teaspoon of raw, unprocessed honey every day which comes from a source as close as possible to where you live. In some cities, it is possible to get honey that is produced right in your neighborhood.


One of the most common allergens within the home and outside is mold. The hard thing about being allergic to it is that many don't know they have this allergy unless they go for testing. Once identified as an allergen, it is possible to reduce mold spores in the house by using a HEPA filter for home ventilation systems or in the rooms that are most frequently used. Run an exhaust fan in rooms that have lots of humidity, such as in the bathroom, or in an enclosed basement. When going outside, avoid places that have lots of leaf debris, and in order to leave the molds outside, take shoes off before coming in the house.

Neti Pot To Clear The Nose

The nose is the way that many airborne allergens get into the body. Unfortunately, this causes a lot of breathing problems for allergy sufferers, resulting in stuffy noses, runny noses, and swollen, puffy eyes. To alleviate seasonal allergies, some turn to using a Neti Pot to rinse the allergens out of the nose. This can be done by first dissolving a teaspoon of Himalayan pink sea salt into distilled water, and boiled. Letting the salt water cool, put it into a neti-pot and pour the saline water into one nostril and let it drain through the other.

Nettle Leaf Tea Or Capsules

Nettle leaf is another way that it's possible to treat seasonal allergies. That's because nettle leaf has antihistamine properties that block the body's ability to produce histamines - the stuff that makes your eyes go all puffy and your nose get blocked. Because of its antihistamine properties, nettle is just a no-brainer way to reduce the impact that seasonal allergies have on the body. While nettle leaf is not so great to drink on its own, it does make a tasty tea when combined with red raspberry leaf or peppermint. If symptoms are very strong, consider taking nettle leaf capsules to alleviate allergy symptoms.

Probiotics For The Win

It seems that there is little that probiotics can't fix. Recent research shows that those with healthy colonies of beneficial bacteria in the gut tend to have fewer and less severe allergy problems. So taking probiotics can be a simple way to reduce the severity of seasonal allergies. Probiotics are also found in fermented foods, like kombucha, kefir, soy milk, sauerkraut, miso, pickles, tempeh, kimchi, and some varieties of yogurt. Be careful when selecting yogurt, as some varieties are high in sugar and don't have much in terms of probiotics. Read the labels, or choose to use probiotic capsules or tablets instead.


This little-known bioflavonoid is in a wide variety of foods like broccoli and some citrus fruits, but it's hard to get enough of them from these sources to make a real difference in terms of treating seasonal allergies. That's why so many people are turning to taking quercetin supplements in order to prevent allergic seasonal allergies. Best taken four to six weeks before allergy season begins, quercetin can be a real game changer for allergy sufferers. However, taking quercetin is not for everyone. In fact, according to specialists, women who are breastfeeding or who are pregnant should not take quercetin.

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