Simple Home Remedies To Reduce The Appearance Of Scars

September 2, 2024

Scars can occur for any number of reasons, from surgery to acne and burns. No one wants to deal with these unsightly marks, regardless of the cause of the scar. Unfortunately, most individuals believe all scars are permanent and will not completely disappear. Others may be overwhelmed with all the choices out there, or are unable to afford expensive scar removal treatments. The good news, however, is there are quite a few home remedies to help fade the appearance of many scars. Dive into the thick of it now!

Onion Extract


When it comes to home remedies for reducing scarring, onion extract is one of the lesser-known treatments, though it is genuinely quite effective. Research has found scars improved significantly in approximately four weeks for most patients. Onion extract can be found on its own or as an active ingredient in some creams or gels. When onion extract is on its own, just apply a few drops to the scar depending on its size once each day, preferably after showering to avoid washing off the extract right away.

Improvements after four weeks include the softening of scars, a reduction in redness, and general appearance improvements. The exact time it will take to make the scar completely disappear depends on the severity of the scar when treatment began, if the individual always applies the treatment or forgets, and occasionally the reason the scar is there in the first place, and how long it was there before beginning treatment.

Homemade Exfoliator


Exfoliating helps remove dead skin and the top layer of our skin, which helps remove scars left behind by acne, injuries, and surgery. There are many commercial exfoliators out there, but many of them are full of chemicals and other ingredients likely to elicit a skin reaction. To avoid this, try making an exfoliator at home. There are countless recipes out there, but perhaps the most popular (and the simplest) is to mix some baking soda and water until they make a paste.

Then, individuals should apply the paste in circular motions to their face as they would with any other commercial exfoliator or cleanser. Once done, they should rinse with water, pat dry, and apply a daily moisturizer. When beginning this treatment, individuals should start with just once a day to avoid skin reactions. While this is perfect for scars on the face, it can help with other parts of the body as well. Skin needs vitamins to remain healthy.

Vitamin E Cream Or Oil


Vitamin E, whether in a cream or oil, is a controversial treatment for scarring as some reports indicate it can elicit skin reactions from those who use it, particularly with surgical scarring. However, other evidence suggests vitamin E, when used appropriately, is effective for treating other scars, such as those resulting from stretch marks or acne. Vitamin E for scarring comes in three forms: as a cream, oil, or in liquid pill form. The pills are not to be swallowed to treat scarring. Instead, individuals should split the pill open and extract the oil from the inside, before applying the cream or oil approximately once per day. They should monitor the area closely to catch any potential reactions and to track improvement.

Lemon Juice


Unfortunately, lemon juice is not going to do much to help heal raised scars due to surgery or stitches. Its primary function in reducing scarring comes in lightening skin discoloration left behind by scars due to causes such as acne and burns. The skin lightens due to the citric acid in pure lemon juice, which is also how it can lighten hair. In addition to the citric acid lightening scar discoloration, the vitamin C in lemon juice also helps even out skin tone and speed healing.

To try this method, first clean off the scarred area. Dip a cotton ball or pad into lemon juice and apply. Let the lemon juice remain on the scar for approximately ten minutes before rinsing. Only perform this treatment once per day to avoid drying out the skin and causing other skin irritations. Lemon juice can also be slightly diluted with some water for skin types on which it is too harsh.

Potato Slices, Peels, And Juice


Yes, potatoes can help reduce the appearance of some scars, particularly the dark discolorations left behind by acne. Like lemon juice, the 'juice' from raw potatoes also has a bleaching quality to it, which is why applying it to the skin can help lighten these dark scars. Individuals can do this in one of three ways: by using slices of potato, potato peels, or by extracting the 'juice' beforehand and applying it with a cotton ball. Some even choose to use gauze or a bandage to adhere the potato peels to their skin for an extended period. In all cases, leave the potato on for about ten minutes before rinsing with water. Individuals with dry or sensitive skin will want to follow up with a moisturizer immediately afterward. Use these home remedies and say goodbye to scars without breaking the bank or using harsh chemicals!

Aloe Vera


Aloe vera has moisturizing properties, and the antioxidants it contains could help reduce swelling and redness after a burn or another injury. As a natural astringent, it is also useful for removing dead skin cells and excess oil. Experts suggest using the leaves of an aloe vera plant for treating a scar. After removing the dark green portion from the flattest side of an aloe vera leaf, the gel inside the leaf should be scooped out. There is no need to measure a certain amount of the gel; any amount that can be scooped out is safe to use.

The gel should be applied directly to the scar with circular motions, and patients may wish to cover the area with plastic wrap once the gel is in place. Ideally, the aloe vera gel needs to be left on the scar for at least thirty minutes, and it can be rinsed off afterward with cool water. Patients should apply aloe vera to their scar two times per day. If redness develops, aloe vera should be discontinued, and the patient should consult a physician.

Coconut Oil


Coconut oil has a high vitamin E content, and research suggests this may prevent the formation of keloid scars after surgery. Additional studies have concluded coconut oil could improve the skin's healing process by increasing the rate of collagen production. To use coconut oil for scar treatment, patients may want to select an organic or extra-virgin coconut oil. Patients should place a few tablespoons of the oil in a small bowl. The oil should be heated for around twenty seconds in the microwave until it becomes liquid. After removing the bowl from the microwave, the oil may need to cool off for a few minutes.

Patients may want to check that the temperature of the oil is comfortable before they apply it to their skin. The oil should be massaged directly into the scar for approximately ten minutes, and patients should then allow the oil to be absorbed into the skin for at least one hour. If desired, the area can be covered with plastic wrap or with a bandage. Coconut oil can be applied to the scar two to four times per day.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is an effective antiseptic, and it also helps remove dead skin cells. It may reduce the appearance of scars and promote an increased rate of skin regeneration at an injured site. Since apple cider vinegar is particularly acidic, it needs to be diluted before it can be applied. Patients should start by mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with four tablespoons of distilled water. This solution should then be applied generously over the scar with a cotton ball, and the area should be allowed to dry. In the morning, the area should be rinsed with cool water.

This process can be repeated every twenty-four hours. Apple cider vinegar may cause a stinging sensation when applied. Individuals with particularly sensitive skin may want to try combining apple cider vinegar with manuka honey. After mixing these two ingredients, the solution should be applied to the scar for at least ten minutes, and it is safe to repeat the application three times per day.

Baking Soda


Baking soda is a natural exfoliator that can remove dead skin cells without damaging the tissue around the scar. It also helps in balancing the pH of the skin. To use baking soda for scar treatment, patients will need to make a paste that combines baking soda with distilled water. Most organizations recommend mixing two parts water with one part baking soda, and some individuals might want to try mixing an unmeasured amount of distilled water with two tablespoons of baking soda until it creates a paste.

Once the paste is ready, patients should wet the scar and surrounding area with distilled water. Then, the baking soda paste should be applied directly to the scar. Many patients often choose to gently massage it onto the scar for approximately one minute before rinsing it off. Other individuals choose to place a warm compress over the area after the paste has been applied. The paste and the compress are left in place for around fifteen minutes. Baking soda pastes can be used safely on a daily basis.

Shea Butter


Research indicates shea butter may help repair skin and inhibit the formation of keloid scars. It is a highly effective moisturizer, and keeping wounds moist is known to aid the healing process, particularly in cases where scars have been caused by lacerations, cuts, or burns. Many store-bought shea butter products contain additives that may irritate the skin, and experts suggest patients try to use unfiltered and raw shea butter. This type of shea butter is hard, and it needs to be softened in the microwave for a few seconds before it can be used. Once the shea butter has been softened, it can be applied directly to the scar. Patients may choose to massage it into the skin, and the area can be covered with a bandage. Shea butter is safe to apply several times a day. Patients with tree nut allergies should ask their physician before using shea butter.

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