Strange Cures And Treatments For Cancer

October 24, 2023

Cancer refers to an array of different conditions involving the abnormal growth and division of cells in the body. Cancerous cells can grow or divide out of control, meaning not the way they should, and they may also not die when they should. Abnormal cells can form tumors, and many tumors can be cancerous. Cancers are typically named for where they originate in the affected individual's body, such as colon cancer, though some forms have fancier names attached to them, such as leukemia. Cancer is a devastating condition and is responsible for countless deaths annually. Many patients and their families, not to mention doctors and researchers, are on the hunt for treatments, therapies, and even a potential cure for cancer.

Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)


Sodium bicarbonate, more commonly referred to as baking soda, is a natural product that can reportedly help individuals cure cancer and potentially lessen the harsh side effects of chemotherapy, the most common treatment for cancer out there. Baking soda, it appears, helps neutralize the acid metabolic environment in which the tumor grows, favoring the growth inhibition of tumor cells. Unfortunately, the risk of alkalosis (blood alkalinity that prevents the normal development of body functions) is a possible complication of this treatment. Thus, it is crucial for every cancer patient to consult their doctor to determine what is appropriate for them.

Unicellular Green Alga


The next strange item on this list of cancer 'cures' is unicellular green alga, which happens to contain the highest level of chlorophyll than any other plant. It also contains extremely high amounts of protein, carbohydrates, all B vitamins, vitamins C and E, acidic amino acids (including nine essential ones), as well as enzymes and minerals. Chlorella stimulates the immune system and production of interferon, one of the largest body's natural defenses against cancer. Increased production of interferon stimulates macrophages, T-lymphocytes, and tumor necrosis factor that attack cancer.

Blue Scorpion Venom


The blue scorpion, which is a species of scorpion that lives in Cuba, is reported to have beneficial effects on cancer. Blue scorpion venom is a pure protein compound, as it lacks phospholipases, protease, and irritation factors. These low molecular weight proteins inhibit the production of proteases in tumor membranes. Protease is a kind of cover or protection that favors the development and growth of a tumor. The venom from a blue scorpion works by preventing this membrane to be formed, making it possible to stop its expansion. Of course, however, as it is venom, individuals must be extremely careful when even considering this reported 'cure' and should always consult a doctor to look at other treatments.

Dihydro Dichloroacetate (DCA)


Dihydro dichloroacetate (DCA) is a compound that has been used for years in special formulas created for skincare products. The effect of this compound is based on facial rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction with regenerative effect at the cellular level. Regarding anti-tumoral properties, in one study, researchers found dihydro dichloroacetate inhibits the growth of neuroblastomas, which are malignant tumors that develop in certain nerve cells, because it acts specifically against malignant undifferentiated cells. Dichloroacetate reportedly has the capacity to inhibit cancer and tumor growth, however, further research needs to be conducted.



Soursop is a fruit present in the Caribbean, Mexico, as well as Central and South America. The effect of this plant in the body is reportedly ten thousand times more powerful than chemotherapy, though the soursop acts on the damaged cells without affecting healthy ones. Artemisinin, a substance present in this fruit is responsible for inhibiting the membrane of cancer cells, stopping their growth and eventually cause death (apoptosis). However, there are some experts who argue while soursop can act fighting cancer cells, evidence of its application to human health is not yet sufficient to make a concrete claim that it can cure cancer.



Quercetin is a natural pigment present in numerous vegetables, fruits, and grains, and is an abundant source of antioxidants. Quercetin is considered a flavonoid, which are plant compounds commonly found in grains, fruits, vegetables, wine, and tea. Cancer develops when some mechanism damages the DNA of a cell to where it grows and multiplies out of control and forms a malignant tumor. Free radical damage is often responsible for carcinogenesis in an individual's cells.

Quercetin helps neutralize these unstable free radicals in an individual's body, which prevents cellular damage that can trigger a carcinogenic process. Quercetin has also shown in some studies to cause leukemic cells or cancerous blood cells to become cytotoxic and die. Quercetin has also shown efficacy in inducing cytotoxic effects on cancer cells in an individual's breast tissue. An individual affected by certain cancers may benefit from taking quercetin supplements because it may cause the regression of their tumor.



Laetrile is a form of purified amygdalin or a compound in the kernels or seeds of numerous fruits, beans, raw nuts, and other plant-derived foods. When an individual consumes laetrile, an enzyme called beta-glucosidase in the small intestine metabolizes it into cyanide, glucose, and benzaldehyde. Researchers found healthy cells in the body convert cyanide into a harmless compound referred to as thiocyanate, but some cancerous cells are unable to undergo the process required for this conversion. This leaves cancerous cells vulnerable to the cytotoxic effects of cyanide.

Studies have revealed the tumor-promoting effect of the Epstein-Barr virus is inhibited by amygdalin. In certain kinds of prostate cancer cells, amygdalin increased the expression of a pro-apoptotic protein and decreased the expression of an anti-apoptotic protein. Amygdalin has also proven in certain kinds of colon cancer cells to downregulate the genes related to a rapid cell cycle. Bladder cancer cell proliferation and growth can also be inhibited by amygdalin due to its ability to decrease quantities of two regulatory proteins of the cell cycle.

Raw Food Diet


The raw food diet is similar to a vegan diet. A raw food diet claims its efficacy in treating cancer due to the majority of the foods in the diet possessing the ability to indirectly or directly kill off cancer cells. A raw food diet for a cancer patient typically includes vegetables such as carrots, green asparagus, cabbage, red beets, broccoli, and cauliflower. The ingredients in the vegetables known to work against cancer cells include alpha-carotene, vitamin E, beta-carotene, isothiocyanates, saponins, curcumin, sulforaphane, and proanthocyanidins.

A raw diet for cancer also includes fruits such as purple grapes, black raspberries, pineapple, strawberries, and blueberries. The ingredients in these fruits known to fight cancer are peroxidase, laetrile, bromelain, ellagic acid, OPC, and anthocyanins. Cancer raw food diets do not include any poultry, meats, fish, and dairy products. The glucose in the fruits and vegetables listed is beneficial for a cancer patient because it causes them to uptake the compounds known to kill them along with the glucose.

Alkaline Diet


An alkaline diet is a diet that is low in acid and high in alkalinity to prevent and fight off malignancy. The acidity of a substance is based on its pH value, where 0 is total acid, and 14 is total alkaline. This type of diet was first introduced with the theory that the consumption of acidic foods would increase the acidity of blood. The acidity of the body and blood matter because cancer cells are known to thrive in environments with lower pH levels. However, it was discovered the foods consumed do little to change an individual's blood and body pH level.

Although a diet low in acid cannot directly kill cancerous cells like it was once thought to, it can do other things that promote the demise of cancer. Alkaline foods are broken down into fatty acids with prebiotic nutrients or nourishing food for the good flora in an individual's gut. This type of diet can keep the pH of the intestines at an acceptable level because not as much acid is produced to break down refined fours and sugars. An alkaline diet has also shown in some studies to help increase the efficacy of chemotherapy drugs while reducing their toxicity to healthy cells.

Cesium Chloride


Cesium chloride is a non-radioactive salt formed from an alkali metal referred to as cesium. Cesium chloride is thought to help fight cancer cells because some malignant cells are attracted to cesium ions. When cancer cells in an individual's body take in cesium chloride, their intracellular pH increases, and their acidity is diminished. The high pH in cancerous cells induced by cesium chloride is shown to stop their process of cell division or mitosis. Cesium chloride essentially causes the cancerous cells to starve once penetrated because a high pH causes a limited ability to uptake glucose.

Cancerous cells survive on glucose by utilizing a process referred to as fermentation, which cesium chloride is also known to inhibit. Without enough glucose and the ability to undergo fermentation to metabolize that glucose, cancerous cells will starve and die. While it has shown efficacy in shrinking cancerous tumors, cesium chloride also has harsh side effects, which include abnormal heart rhythm, syncope, electrolyte imbalances, and seizures.

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