The Different Ways You Can Suffer A Traumatic Brain Injury
A brain injury is serious and is typically caused by a violent blow to the head. It can occur from a slip and fall, sports injury, or assault. You can also obtain this type of injury from a motor vehicle accident or if you are struck by an object. The injuries can be traumatic and cause physical damage to the brain that includes bleeding, bruising, and torn tissues. They require a medical diagnosis with lab tests and imaging to determine severity.
The signs of a brain injury are the loss of consciousness, being in a confused state, disorientation, and a headache. Individuals may experience nausea, disorientation, vomiting, fatigue, and drowsiness as well. They may even have problems speaking, difficulty sleeping, dizziness, or sleep more than normal. The injury can cause mood changes, sensitivity to light and sound, and memory loss.
Motor Vehicle Accident

When a motor vehicle accident occurs, two or more vehicles crash into each other, or a pedestrian or animal. These accidents can also happen when a car collides into road debris, trees, or a building. If someone is involved in a car accident, they will likely be injured or have to deal with property damage, though fatalities can occur as well. These accidents can take place when driving under the influence, street racing, speeding, or because of road design. Every year millions of individuals suffer from injuries due to car crashes with thousands resulting in death.
There are many brain injuries caused by car accidents, often resulting in skull fractures. During an automobile collision, individuals acquire head injuries in numerous ways. When someone is in a car crash, and their head hits the windshield or steering wheel, this can cause a traumatic brain injury. Since a car crash creates such an impact, the brain is affected when it stops quickly. This is the reason the brain becomes bruised and begins bleeding. When the brain is harmed during a car crash contusion may also develop.
Slip And Fall

When someone falls and hits their head against a hard object, they can acquire a traumatic brain injury. This type of accident may cause a tremendous amount of damage to the brain and can result in a mild concussion or a life-threatening condition. Even though a strong skull surrounds the brain, it is a delicate organ. There is fluid surrounding the brain that prevents the brain from pressing against the skull. When we hit our head, and there is a hard impact, the brain is pushed into the skull where bruising occurs.
An accident where you fall and hurt yourself can happen at any given moment. Some examples of slip and falls where brain injuries happen are tripping on cracks on the sidewalk and slamming your head against a tree or fire hydrant. You can fall in someone’s home and knock your head on a table or chair or slip on a wet floor, land on your back, and hit your head. These are all situations that can result in traumatic brain injuries such as concussions and hemorrhages.
Sports Injury

A sports injury happens during athletic or physical activities. Children and adults can acquire these injuries at any time when participating in sports. When injured, athletes typically complain of numbness and tingling where the impact first took place. Some of the most traumatic injuries in contact sports occur at a high rate of collision. The sports players most prone to traumatic injuries are members of ice hockey, football, and rugby teams. These injuries can include muscle strains, joint sprains, and bone fractures. Players are also subjected to spinal cord injuries, contusions, and head injuries that can bring on extensive brain damage.
One of the most common traumatic brain injuries in sports is called a concussion. This injury occurs from a blow to the head or violent shaking of the head and body. When the head receives a bump or blow, it makes the brain move back and forth in the skull and can cause twisting. The brain becomes damaged by this motion and brain cells can be harmed.
Struck By An Object

If you are hit in the head by an object and sustain a severe brain injury, your injury can lead to death. Direct hits to the head by sharp or blunt objects are dangerous, and the impact can have life-changing effects. A blow to the head can happen during a car accident, falling, physical attacks, and sports accidents.
When someone is struck by an object, they are subjected to all types of traumatic brain injuries. These injuries include hematoma, hemorrhage, concussion, and edema. They are also susceptible to a diffuse axonal injury. These are all traumatic injuries with symptoms such as seizures, loss of muscle control, abnormal eye movements, and loss of consciousness. Because the area of impact is located within the brain, each injury requires medical attention.

An assault is when a physical attack occurs on someone that leads to bodily harm and injury. Simple violations occur when an individual causes bodily harm to another person with intent. The person uses force and may threaten violence with a weapon. Aggravated attacks happen when a person maims, disfigures, or endangers the life of their victim. When someone is sexually violated, they can be brutally beaten, wounded, or suffer from life-threatening injuries due to the attack.
Victims of an attack can acquire injuries all over their bodies and as such, are susceptible to traumatic brain injuries. Many victims suffer from a subdural hematoma, skull fractures, or edema. When someone has a subdural hematoma, a pool of blood collects between the brain and its covering. A skull fracture causes swelling and tenderness on the head, facial bruising, and bleeding from the nostrils or ears. This injury can vary in seriousness and may require neurosurgery when it is severe. Cerebral edema occurs when there is an injury to the brain that penetrates the protective barrier.