10 Proven Ways To Quickly Get Rid Of Watery Eyes

November 3, 2023

Producing tears is a normal bodily function. Crying is an emotional response to something happy or sad, but sometimes tears are triggered for neither of these reasons. When eyes shed too many tears for seemingly no particular reason, it is usually the result of watery eyes disease. This bothersome condition can not only be embarrassing or annoying, but it can also interact with daily activities, like driving and reading, and in the worst case scenario, will eventually lead to loss of vision.

10. Massage

It is possible to massage those tears away. If the overproduction of tears is caused by narrowing or blockage of the tear ducts, which prevent the tears from draining, a gentle massage will help open them to promote flow. Blockages are believed to be more common in babies because their small tear ducts open slowly. If blockages are not dealt with, they may lead to eye infections. It is a lengthy process, but it is recommended to massage the corners of eyes several times per day.

9. Baby Shampoo

Baby shampoo does more than just clean fine hair. It works to treat conjunctivitis. This condition, commonly called pink eye, causes inflammation of the eye and makes the white of the eye pink in color. It creates an excess of tears to try to fight the irritation so nipping it in the bud cures both problems. The shampoo should be diluted with warm water and used with a cotton pad to clean the eye area.

8. Botox

Botox is used to treat disorders related to nerves and muscles and is also used in the cosmetic industry. It can also be used as a treatment for watery eyes when the cause is from entropion. Entropion is an uncomfortable condition in which the eyelid turns inward, causing the eyelashes to irritate the eye. Botox has been used to successfully ease the symptoms of entropion and, subsequently, reduce the production of tears.

7. Castor Oil And Vitamin A

Dry eyes and excess tear production seem like an oxymoron, but that is what happens in this condition. Eyes need some moisture and are dependent on tears, which contain a mix of fat, water, and proteins. If the fat content is not adequate, eyes will become dry, leading to irritation and watery eyes. Castor oil, an ingredient in commercial artificial tears, can be dropped into eyes at bedtime. Alternatively, vitamin A drops provide similar results.

6. Vitamin C And Vitamin E

The main symptom of uveitis is inflammation and can be caused by injury, infection, or an autoimmune or inflammatory disease. Other symptoms, like pain, blurred vision, and excess tears can come on suddenly or gradually. Combatting watery eyes from this condition with a good dose of vitamins C and E is recommended. They can be easily consumed through a healthy diet including vitamin C and E-rich foods like oranges, bell peppers, almonds, and raw seeds.

5. Warm Pack

Nothing is more soothing on tired or sore eyes than a warm compress. This is also an effective treatment for watery eyes due to blepharitis. Blepharitis causes inflammation of the eyelid, as well as burning sensations and itchy, watery eyes. Often dry eyes result. Using a warm compress daily, together with a cleansing eyelid scrub will help remove the invasion of bacteria. Bacteria builds up and creates a biofilm, leading to blepharitis.

4. Wash Your Eyes

The old adage of regular hand washing to keep bugs away applies to the eyes. It is easy for dust and other tiny foreign bodies to get trapped in the eyes and cause pain, redness, and irritation. Tears help rid the eyes of particles, but eyes should be kept clean to reduce the risk of any surrounding crusting bits or trapped particles from getting in. Harsh soaps should not be used. Eyes can be rinsed easily with only a splash of warm water and gently wiped with a soft cloth.

3. Eye Wash Solution

Any sign of dust or an eyelash trapped in the eye can be washed out using a sterile eye wash solution. Fill the accompanying eye cup halfway with the solution and, while bending forward, press the cup around the eye, then rise and tilt the head backward slightly. Blink a few times to make sure the eye has been cleared of debris. Wipe the eye dry and follow with a medicated eye drop for further protection and cleansing.

2. Avoid Irritants

Watery eyes are often the result of allergies. If they are seasonal outdoor allergies, it can sometimes be difficult to avoid, but it is recommended to stay indoors during days of high pollen counts. Using an air conditioner indoors helps filter the air, and a furnace filter can trap them. When outside, wearing sunglasses will protect foreign particles from getting trapped in the eyes, as does driving with the windows rolled up.

1. Hit The Drug Store

There are a number of products on the shelves of drug stores to help ease and treat watery eyes. Allergy sufferers can find relief with antihistamines. When hit with an allergy, the body will produce a histamine, making the eyes fight back with tears. An antihistamine does the opposite. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and corticosteroid drops are available by prescription to help relieve allergy symptoms.

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