Smells Your Body Makes That Tells You Something Is Wrong
Smell is one of the five primary senses. The way we detect odor is from the air we be breath in through our nose, and the back of the mouth when chewing food. When we smell odors, molecules are transmitted into our noses and absorbed into a mucous membrane called the olfactory epithelium. Bony cushions in the nose, called turbinates, assist the movement of air. When the odor is absorbed into the mucus, it reaches the cilia and attaches to a receptor cell that sends a signal to the nerve fibers in our brains called axons. We then pick up on a scent and can discern whether it is pleasing to us or not. Our sense of smell is delicate and can also tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy scents. For instance, we can sense if a something is wrong with our bodies internally and externally just by scent.
Fruity Breath

If you have breath that smells sweet like fruit, you may have a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. This is a life-threatening condition that occurs among individuals who have diabetes. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a complication of diabetes that occurs when the body has high levels of ketones. When treated promptly, lives can be saved, and death avoided. Fruity breath can also be a sign of acute liver failure when accompanied by fatigue, nausea, vomiting, pain in the right upper abdomen, and loss of appetite.
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome is another illness identified by the presence of fruity breath. This condition occurs in individuals with diabetes who have an extremely high amount of sugar in their blood. Individuals with this illness can become severely ill and require immediate medical attention. The signs of this condition are nausea, frequent urination, vomiting, and severe fatigue.
Continue reading to uncover the next smell to watch out for.
Skin Issues With A Smell

There are several skin issues with smells, including fish odor syndrome, eczema, and a variety of skin infections. Fish odor syndrome is a rare metabolic disorder that affects the normal production of flavin an enzyme that contains monooxygenase 3. Individuals with this condition have an offensive body odor that smells like fish because of their body’s tendency to excrete uncontrollable amounts of trimethylaminuria. It is secreted in the urine, sweat an on the breath of these individuals.
Eczema is one of the most common skin issues with smell. It tends to smell like rotten meat or cheese and becomes worse if you have a lousy diet. The topical immunosuppressants and antihistamines can also cause the scent to worsen. These agents change your hormonal chemistry and may not allow wounds to heal properly, which produces a displeasing odor. A skin infection called intertrigo can also cause smelly skin and develops in moist areas of the body, including the armpits, genitals, and beneath the breasts. It looks like a red or reddish-brown rash and is raw, itchy with a foul odor.
Get to know the next unfortunate smell your body might produce when something is wrong.
Strong-Smelling Pee

When pee has a strong smell, it can indicate dehydration, maple syrup urine disease, or a urinary tract infection. It can also be a symptom of phenylketonuria, a rare genetic condition that makes amino acids build up in the body. This condition is usually screened and diagnosed in infancy. Strong-smelling pee can signal a bladder infection too. A bladder infection is caused by bacteria and can spread to your kidneys, ureters, and urethra. The signs of an infection are pain and burning when urinating and cloudy or bloody urine. Your urine may smell foul, and you can experience cramping in your lower back.
Maple syrup urine disease is another genetic disorder and is due to the lack of enzyme activity required to process protein. The symptoms include lethargy, poor appetite, weight loss, and irritability. There are four types of maple syrup urine disease, and it is triggered in infants or during childhood. If you are dehydrated, your pee will have a strong odor too. To treat dehydration, all you need to do is drink plenty of water and replace lost fluids.
Continue for another smell your breath can produce if there is something wrong.
Bad Breath That Won't Go Away

Bad breath that won't go away can be an indicator of advanced gum disease, a sinus condition, gastric reflux disease, diabetes, or liver and kidney disease. If you have advanced gum disease, your breath will have an unpleasant odor, and your gums will be red, swollen, tender, and bleed easily. This disease can be caused by smoking, hormonal changes, diabetes, and medications. Having a weakened immune system and genetic susceptibility may also contribute to gum disease. Visit a dentist or hygienist to alleviate the symptoms of this disease.
Digestive system disorders such as gastric reflux is another reason for persistent bad breath. This disorder makes the stomach acid and contents in your stomach return back into the esophagus and mouth. Gastric reflux causes belching, burping, and a sour taste in your mouth. Since the sphincter does not close properly after eating, food is not digested properly. In addition, it is the reason for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and bringing on bad breath.
Continue to reveal more smells that are produced that indicate a health issue.
Strong Sweat Smell

The apocrine glands in the skin are the sweat glands and secrete scents from your body. They produce body odor and the sweat released from your body when you are hot. The sweat that develops is high in protein, so it is broken down bacteria and create body odor. There are many reasons for a strong sweat smell, including underlying medical conditions, eating too much sugar, and medications.
Some of the medical conditions that may be the reason for a strong sweat smell are diabetes, hyperthyroidism, genetic disorders, and kidney or liver dysfunction. When your diabetic, stronger body odor is a sign of a complication or high glucose levels. With hyperthyroidism, the body overproduces sweat constantly and creates an unpleasant body odor. The same goes for liver and kidney dysfunction because toxins build up in the body and are not eliminated quickly.