How Does Grapeseed Oil Benefit Health?

September 16, 2023

Grapeseed oil, versatile in its usage and benefits, is a by-product from making wine. Utilized in cooking, skin care, and more, grapeseed oil is a staple in many households. During the wine-making process, the juice is pressed out of grapes with the seeds being left behind. Grape seeds, like the seeds of many fruits and vegetables, are rich in oil, which is extracted from crushed seeds. The manner in which it is extracted can vary, with cold-press offering the most benefits, yet being the most costly. In the cold-pressed process, machinery is utilized to extract the oil. Other methods utilize heat or chemicals which can damage the nutrients or alter the properties of the product. Grapeseed oil is virtually flavorless and odorless, making it the perfect cooking oil since it does not alter the flavor of a recipe. Get to know the major health benefits of grapeseed oil now.

Slows Signs Of Aging


Many oils are touted for their skincare benefits, so why choose grapeseed oil? Grapeseed oil is suitable for a multitude of skin types, unlike tea tree oil or coconut oil, which require selectivity. Grapeseed oil is nutrient dense, containing high levels of resveratrol, vitamins A, C, and E, as well as being rich in omega-3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids. Grapeseed oil slows signs of aging through its significant nutritional benefits. While it's difficult to choose one feature of grapeseed oil with the greatest impact on aging, having a high concentration of antioxidants provides the foundation, as they promote cellular repair. Antioxidants, simply put, are compounds that inhibit oxidation, a natural chemical process that creates free radicals. These free radicals may cause damage to cells, accelerating the aging process. Reducing the impact of free radicals on tissues offer long-term anti-aging benefits.

Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease


The benefits of grapeseed oil far exceed just topical skin results. Nutritionally dense, grapeseed oil is high in linolenic acid. Considered an essential fat as humans are unable to produce it or synthesize it from other compounds, linolenic acid must be consumed. A polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid that is converted into gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), linolenic acid plays a protective role in the body. GLA has been shown to reduce inflammation, a measurable risk factor in the development of heart disease. GLA also reduces cholesterol, another way grapeseed oil reduces an individual's risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States for men and women both. Adding grapeseed oil to one's diet offers a simple method to reduce individual risk factors for heart disease. Grapeseed oil is also rich in monounsaturated fats and other distinct omega-3 and 9 fatty acids, reaping their compounded nutritional benefits.

Lessens The Appearance Of Acne And Scars

HuffPost Canada

As established, scientists and dermatologists alike are touting the numerous skincare benefits of grapeseed oil, which lessens the appearance of acne and scars. Lightweight and noncomedogenic, meaning it won't clog pores, grapeseed oil can be safely used on many skin types. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties of the nutrient-dense grapeseed oil have the unique potential to simultaneously moisturize the skin while its antimicrobial properties act as an astringent. Acne-prone skin has been found deficient in linoleic acid, the same fatty acid shown to reduce heart disease risk. This deficiency makes the sebum produced by the skin thicker and more sticky, clogging pores. Used alone or as a carrier oil for additional treatments, grapeseed oil contains high quantities of vitamin E, a primary treatment option for scar reduction. Vitamin E replenishes the natural fats that help maintain moisture and form a protective skin barrier. This reduces skin oil productions, which increases when the skin thinks it's too dry.

Reduces Cancer Risk

HuffPost UK

Grapeseed oil reduces cancer risk via two main pathways. First, the monounsaturated fatty acids, especially the omega-3 fatty acids, fall into a category of healthy fats. Healthy fat sounds like a misnomer; yet, everyone requires fat to live a healthy life. Fatty acids are required by every cell to build their protective outer layer and also help form the lining around nerves in the body. A tough outer layer of cells helps buffer the damage free radicals can do to a cell. The second pathway builds upon the first. The antioxidants in grapeseed oil reduce the impact of free radicals in the body. The National Cancer Institute recognizes antioxidants for their role in cancer prevention and recovery. Numerous research studies have indicated supplements containing high levels of antioxidants do not lower cancer risk. The antioxidants must come from a whole food diet to be effective. This places greater importance on foods sources rich in antioxidants, such as grapeseed oil.

May Help With Dementia And Alzheimer's Disease


Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids are imperative for proper brain and neurotransmitter function. Research released in the medical journal Neurology indicates three dietary premises are consistent in those individuals who are able to avoid dementia and Alzheimer's disease: eating fish weekly, daily consumption of fruits and vegetables, and a diet rich in fatty acids, like those present in grapeseed oil. The caveat with fatty acids is a proper ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 makes all the difference. Dietary components such as grapeseed oil, which contains both types of fatty acids, have been linked to the greatest risk reduction. Grapeseed oil may help with dementia and Alzheimer's disease, both prevention and slowing the progression. Adding grapeseed oil to the diet has health benefits of a wide range, with more being discovered as research continues.

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