Health Reasons To Try Low Impact Exercises

September 11, 2023

Regular exercise has been shown to help with individuals' moods, increase lifespans, and decrease the chances of developing countless health conditions. Many individuals sit at a desk for at least forty hours a week. Humans aren't adapted for this kind of sedentary lifestyle, and lack of movement can lead to physical problems and mental fatigue. However, it can be difficult for individuals to incorporate exercise into their routines if they're dealing with health conditions like joint pain or injury recovery.

High impact exercises can make pain worse, which can, in turn, discourage individuals from exercising at all. Fortunately, there are low impact exercises, which move the muscles without straining the joints. Almost anyone can benefit from low impact exercises.

Dealing With Joint Pain And Stiffness


Low impact exercises are a great choice for anyone dealing with joint pain and stiffness. With these types of exercises, there isn't a large amount of strain placed on the hips, ankles, and knees. Individuals can get their heart rates up and reap the cardiovascular benefits of exercise without making their joint pain worse. One of the most difficult things for patients with conditions like arthritis is finding an exercise routine that benefits them without causing more pain. Often, a sedentary lifestyle can actually make arthritis symptoms worse, though it's hard to exercise when moving causes pain. This is when low impact exercises make a huge difference, since they don't stress the joints but still allow the body to move.

Recovering From An Injury


Low impact exercises are helpful for individuals recovering from an injury. It's not recommended to engage in high impact activities like running or jumping when the body is healing from an injury, because repeated stress to the bones, muscles, and joints can be detrimental to the healing process, regardless of the type of injury. Swimming is a good option for low impact exercising. The water holds the individual's body up, which takes the stress off their joints. At the same time, individuals can move every part of their body. The water resistance also helps build muscle. Swimming improves an individual's lung function and strengthens the shoulders as well. Patients with physical therapists can ask about the best exercise to help them with injury recovery.

Just Starting To Exercise


Low impact workouts are a good choice for individuals who are just starting to exercise. When the body isn't used to working out, high impact exercises can cause pain and shortness of breath. If exercising hurts, individuals will be more likely to stop doing it. There are a number of low impact exercises individuals can try to get their heart rate up without stressing their body. Walking is a popular exercise, although individuals may need to increase their speed if they want their heart rate to get high enough to burn fat. Step aerobics let individuals step up and down without jumping or straining their joints. Cycling and rowing are two other popular options that don't put weight on the legs.

In An At-Risk Group For Injuries


Low impact exercise may be a good choice for individuals in an at-risk group for injuries. There are a number of different individuals who may have a higher risk of sustaining injuries. The older an individual gets, the more likely they are to experience an injury. Individuals over forty years old start to develop an increased injury risk. The risk of injury may also be higher if individuals have a medical condition predisposing them to things like fractures, muscle tearing, or joint problems, such as arthritis. Other individuals at risk of injury are athletes and those with highly active lifestyles. It's important to exercise safely, so if high impact exercises may cause injury, low impact workouts are an ideal alternative.

Being Quite Overweight


Being quite overweight is another factor that may make low impact exercise a good option. When individuals are overweight, there's an increased amount of stress on their joints when they move. This can lead to substantial pain when partaking in high impact exercises. Low impact exercise helps individuals burn fat and increase their cardiovascular health without painful complications. Low impact workouts help get the heart in the target area for fat burning. Yoga is a good choice for overweight individuals, as it helps them increase their body's range of motion and practice breathing exercises. Cycling is also a good option, since individuals can do it for long periods without putting much weight on their legs.

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