Guide To High-Fiber Foods And Recipes For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

November 8, 2023

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common chronic gastrointestinal condition. The most common symptoms of this condition are abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, mucus in the stool, and excess gas. Some of the symptoms are relieved with bowel movements. This condition means that patients have bowels that do not function correctly. It is common for certain foods to trigger this condition. Stress can also exacerbate it.

Irritable bowel syndrome treatment is essential. Most patients will take fiber supplements to improve their symptoms. Laxatives for irritable bowel syndrome are also used. Of course, some patients require medications for irritable bowel syndrome. This can include anti-diarrheal medication, tricyclic antidepressants, and anticholinergic medication. Many individuals need pain medications for IBS. However, natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome are equally important. One example is following an irritable bowel syndrome diet, which should consist of many high-fiber foods.

Canned Lentils And Chickpeas


Canned lentils and chickpeas are good options when individuals with irritable bowel syndrome want to incorporate high-fiber foods into their diet. One starting point for an irritable bowel syndrome diet is to look for low-FODMAP foods. These foods have low levels of materials that the intestines struggle to break down. As a general rule, legumes are high-FODMAP foods, so they are not a staple of the average irritable bowel syndrome diet. However, when lentils are canned, they become a low-FODMAP food.

Patients who are following a low-FODMAP diet can have up to a half cup of canned lentils and a quarter cup of canned chickpeas daily. The trick is in the water solubility of FODMAP components. When these foods are canned, the FODMAP materials move into the liquid. The food is rinsed with water before consumption, which washes away most of the FODMAP content. If patients with irritable bowel syndrome want legumes, the canned varieties are the safest option. One great recipe to start with is to roast canned chickpeas with some salt and extra-virgin olive oil at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for twenty to thirty minutes.

Continue reading to learn about more high-fiber foods and recipes for irritable bowel syndrome now.

Chia Seeds


There are many different seeds that individuals with irritable bowel syndrome may add to their diet to get more fiber. However, chia seeds are some of the most highly recommended. They have qualities that make them ideal for irritable bowel syndrome patients. Chia seeds are good at regulating bowel movements in patients who suffer from frequent constipation. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Rather than being used as a snack, chia seeds are usually an ingredient in more complicated dishes. Individuals may sprinkle the seeds on top of a dish. They can also add chia seeds to homemade smoothies.

Chia seeds are packed with other nutrients as well, including protein, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus. They are one of the best sources in the world for absorbing these vital nutrients. Almost all of the carbohydrates in a serving of chia seeds are made up of fibrous material. Thus, they are suitable for individuals who want to pursue a low-carbohydrate irritable bowel syndrome diet. An excellent starting recipe is a chia seed pudding made with only three ingredients: chia seeds, honey, and almond milk. Patients need two tablespoons of chia seeds, half a cup of almond milk, and one teaspoon of honey for each serving of this pudding.

Get more information on high-fiber foods for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome now.



Many irritable bowel syndrome patients find that kiwi is a valuable addition to their diets. As a general rule, soft fruits are easier to digest than hard vegetables. Studies have shown that kiwi has significant effects on symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Kiwis are the most beneficial to patients who frequently experience constipation. One study was done involving participants who ate multiple kiwis a day for a month. When these individuals were compared to participants who did not do so, those who ate kiwi had a significant reduction in their overall irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. They also experienced fewer episodes of constipation. Kiwis are not only high in fiber. They also contain a substantial amount of water, and the combination makes this fruit ideal for regulating an individual's bowels. In addition, kiwis have high potassium and vitamin C levels.

More research is needed to determine if kiwi can work as a universal dietary staple for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome. However, researchers have concluded that kiwi works well as a laxative to manage constipation. Kiwi can be incorporated into smoothies, fruit salads, yogurt, and even desserts. Individuals should try combining a handful of blueberries, a few tablespoons of yogurt, half a banana, and two kiwis in a blender with some milk or water for a great smoothie. They can adjust the quantities as desired.

Discover other high-fiber foods and recipes for irritable bowel syndrome now.



Quinoa is another low-FODMAP food for irritable bowel syndrome patients. In addition to being packed with fiber, quinoa has a variety of proven health benefits. It is one of the most popular healthy foods in the world. Quinoa does not contain gluten. Thus, it is ideal for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome with gluten intolerance. It is also high in protein, making it great for individuals on vegetarian or vegan diets. One of quinoa's unique aspects is that it is among the only plants in the world with enough of the nine essential amino acids. Quinoa also contains iron, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, and antioxidants.

Quinoa is so nutritious and so easy to grow that NASA scientists have even considered using it in space. The fiber content is also important, as there is more fiber in quinoa than individuals will find in most comparable grains. As there is a high amount of fiber in this low-FODMAP food, it is ideal for bowel regulation. Quinoa is unlikely to irritate the intestines the same way that other high-fiber foods do. For perfect cooked quinoa, individuals should combine one cup of quinoa with two cups of water, letting the mixture simmer in a saucepan. They can season as desired during and after this cooking process.

Reveal more foods and recipes for irritable bowel syndrome that are high in fiber now.



Oatmeal is an incredibly common choice for breakfast. It can be a vital addition to an irritable bowel syndrome patient's diet as well because oats are quite high in fiber. They are also a low-FODMAP food. However, some varieties can trigger symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. This is often because of the milk or artificial flavoring found in packaged oatmeal. Thus, patients must look at all of the ingredients on the package. They can also make their own oatmeal at home.

Of course, eating too many oats can also trigger symptoms. This is why portion control with oatmeal is an essential part of including it in an irritable bowel syndrome diet. Cooking the oats into oatmeal is also crucial, as doing so eliminates some of the resistant starch. Resistant starch is a fiber that can sometimes cause irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. A delicious recipe for homemade oatmeal is to mix one cup of rolled oats, two cups of unsweetened almond milk, one mashed banana, and half a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Individuals need to heat this mixture in a pot until the oats have sufficiently absorbed the milk.

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