Treating Coronary Microvascular Angina

September 25, 2023

Coronary microvascular angina is a type of heart disease with an effect on the tiny arteries in your heart. The condition occurs when the tiny arteries are diseased or damaged. With traditional coronary disease, plaque builds up in the heart's large arteries. In this condition, however, the tiny arteries are the affected area. They don't tend to be blocked by plaque the same way large arteries are. Currently, more research needs to be done on how to diagnose the disease. Patients who are overweight, smoke, have an unhealthy diet, don't exercise, have diabetes, have high blood pressure, or are insulin resistant are at a higher risk for this condition. Discover how to treat coronary microvascular angina now.

Acetylsalicylic Acid


Acetylsalicylic acid, while commonly used for treating inflammation, fever, and pain, can also help treat coronary microvascular angina. Many factors can cause damage to the heart's small arteries. One of the most common is the formation of blood clots, which occurs when platelets stick together, leading to blockage of the blood vessels. The clotting process typically happens when a person has a cut so the wound can close. However, blood clots sometimes form inside the body and can be very dangerous. Acetylsalicylic acid is a medication that keeps platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots. This can prevent future clots and help open blocked tiny arteries.

Keep reading to learn more about the methods of treating coronary microvascular angina.



Nitroglycerin capsules are designed to prevent pain in patients with coronary microvascular angina or traditional coronary disease. The medication is a member of a group of drugs called nitrates. Individuals with coronary microvascular angina experience chest pain when there isn't enough blood flow to the small arteries in the heart and nitroglycerin helps the blood vessels in the heart to relax and widen, allowing blood to flow more easily than it can with narrow, restrictive passages. The medication should be used to prevent chest pain, but it won't be helpful for relieving chest pain after it occurs. It's also important not to take it before engaging in physical activities. Patients should always talk to their doctor about the safest way to take the medication.

Get familiar with the next coronary microvascular angina treatment option now.

Statin Medications

Dallas Morning News

Another way to treat microvascular chest pain is through the use of statin medications. A statin medication is a medication capable of lowering cholesterol. Each of these medications functions by blocking an important substance necessary for the body to make cholesterol. In addition, statins can help an individual's body reabsorb bad cholesterol built up in plaque form on the microvascular artery walls. This prevents the blood vessels from becoming any more blocked, increases blood flow, and helps protect against heart attacks. There are multiple statins available in the United States. Statins will sometimes be used in combination with another medication that promotes heart health. Certain research indicates statins can prevent heart disease from forming in some adults from forty to seventy-five years old.

Continue reading to learn about the next way to treat coronary microvascular angina.

Beta Blockers And Ace Inhibitors


High blood pressure is a huge factor in the development of both traditional coronary disease and microvascular angina. It's important to treat high blood pressure to prevent chest pain and potential heart attacks. Millions of Americans have high blood pressure problems. Thankfully, there are quite a few medications and other treatments available to treat high blood pressure. Some of the most common are beta blockers and ace inhibitors. Beta blockers are designed to block the body from experiencing adrenaline, which floods the body in response to stress. Without as much adrenaline in your system, your heart rate slows and blood pressure lowers. ACE inhibitors are heart medications that cause blood vessels to widen. This lets your heart pump more blood and lowers overall blood pressure. ACE inhibitors and beta blockers are often used together.

Discover additional options for treating coronary microvascular angina now.

Anemia Treatment


Anemia is a condition that often coexists with coronary microvascular angina and other cardiovascular diseases. Anemia treatment helps contribute to overall heart health. Anemia has three main causes: faulty production of red blood cells, destruction of the red blood cells, or blood loss. The condition occurs when an individual has inadequate red blood cells. Many doctors will wait to treat anemia until they know what the underlying cause is. Doctors might recommend iron supplements to counteract anemia. It's important to note patients should always talk to their doctor before taking iron supplements, as taking too much iron can have detrimental effects on health.

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