Are Himalayan Salt Lamps Actually Healthy?
One of the new trends to hit the country as of late has been the Himalayan salt lamp. You can see them all over store shelves, particularly during the holidays. They are an orange-pink color and definitely a conversation piece. There are individuals out there that make some pretty lofty claims about what one can do. These lamps are supposed to do everything from help you sleep to increase blood flow. All of this sounds too good to be true, so the obvious question would be, is it? The theory behind these lamps is they release negatively-charged particles into the air, which will improve general health. The following is a summary of how a Himalayan salt lamp truly affects your home.
Ambiance In The Home

One benefit no one can deny is a Himalayan salt lamp can be a unique decorating piece. When on, they create a pleasant pink light that can positively influence the ambiance of a home. The relaxing effect created by the lamp may have positive influences on your mental health. Sitting in a room lit by one after a rough day could be a great way to let the stress and anxiety from the day fade away. They may be a good touch for a child's room to help them wind down after a busy day. Some individuals also find them pleasant to have in their office, particularly those with highly stressful careers.
Continue reading to learn more about the debate on if Himalayan salt lamps are genuinely healthy.
Impact On Air Quality

There are a few ways having a Himalayan salt lamp may help improve the air quality in your home. As previously mentioned, they release negatively charged particles. However, the number of negative ions released by these lamps has proven to be so few that they were barely able to be measured. This does not necessarily mean, however, that they do nothing for air quality, as these lamps have hygroscopic potential. Cozyswan Salt Lampis a wall plug in light that works as an air purifier. When lit, the salt crystal clears the air of allergens and dilutes odors. Hygroscopic means it can absorb moisture from the air, which can affect the overall humidity in your home. The more surface area a lamp has, the higher its hygroscopic potential is. If having an impact on air quality is your primary motivator for getting a Himalayan salt lamp, look for one with a rough texture. The more nooks and crannies the lamp has, the more surface area there is. As the salt pulls moisture from the air, any dirt or allergens in the air are stuck to the lamp. The resulting vapor will then dry, and your air will be a bit cleaner.
Keep reading to discover more about the health effects of Himalayan salt lamps.
Influence Over Mood

One of the most popular reasons individuals look into Himalayan salt lamps is to help with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). These lamps are thought to be effective for other forms of depression and mood disorders as well. Research is showing negative ions can help to increase serotonin production, which gives individuals a boost in their overall mood. Negative ions may also help increase the amount of oxygen in the brain. The problem here is the studies used negative air ion machines, rather than Himalayan salt lamps. These two devices emit different types of negative particles. That being said, therapies all over the world use pink and orange lights to help patients increase their level of focus and be more positive. Although the reasons are not fully understood, emerging research is backing the idea that Himalayan salt lamps influence mood, although not for the reasons individuals initially suspected.
Get to know more about the impact of Himalayan salt lamps on health.
Impact On Quality Of Sleep

An individual's circadian rhythm is essential to maintaining a healthy sleep cycle. It is what tells you it is time to sleep at night and be awake during the day. In today's world, individuals are often staring at screens until they go to sleep. It could be their TV, laptop, smartphone, or any other electronics they own. These screens emit blue light, which stops the brain from producing melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for getting your brain ready for bed, so producing less of it can have a negative impact on quality of sleep for you. The soothing orange light produced by a Himalayan salt lamp, on the other hand, is perfect for stimulating melatonin production and calming you down in preparation for bed. Levoit Salt Lamps are soothing with the highest quality and purest Himalayan salt. Those who claim negative ions help you once you're asleep, however, have no evidence to back it up. Although no reputable research has been done into whether or not Himalayan salt lamps improve sleep quality, reviews on air ionization have been done, and they showed no impact, positive or negative, on the quality of sleep.
Uncover more information about health effects of Himalayan salt lamps.
Effect On Energy

Himalayan salt lamps supporters claim they can also help you feel more energetic, which is due to the increase of oxygen to the brain caused by the negative particles released. Not only will this boost your overall energy levels, but it will also help you fight off drowsiness. Or, this is the claim at least. Again, the number of negative ions released is so low it's a bit of a stretch to think they are making a major impact. Individuals do report feeling more alert after spending time around a Himalayan salt lamp. It is theorized that positive ions can actually be draining. Nature is full of negative ions, and individuals often feel invigorated after spending time outdoors. It makes sense that bringing these negative ions into your home would give you a similar effect. Of course, there could be other reasons that have nothing to do with negative ions that being outside gives individuals a boost. The evidence that Himalayan salt lamps affect energy is largely based on individual experiences.
Learn more about how Himalayan salt lamps affect health now.
Effect On Allergies

Studies have shown salt therapy may have a positive effect on allergies, and a Himalayan salt lamp could offer patients some of the benefits of this therapy on a smaller scale. In fact, Himalayan salt is now used in inhalers to relieve asthma and allergy symptoms. Research suggests Himalayan salt lamps could trap indoor air pollutants, mold, bacteria, and allergens by attracting water vapor. Patients who believe they may have allergies should check with their physician about having a skin prick test, and individuals with breathing issues should ask their doctor if a Himalayan salt lamp could help their symptoms.
Continue reading to learn more about the health claims linked to Himalayan salt lamps now.
Effect On Blood Flow

Himalayan salt lamps may generate negative ions, and these are believed to increase blood flow to the brain. While more research is needed to determine how many negative ions may be produced by Himalayan salt lamps, researchers agree negative ions are capable of improving blood flow to the brain. This effect on blood flow may increase mental alertness and energy levels, and it could decrease daytime drowsiness and fatigue, too. Some proponents of Himalayan salt lamps also claim the lamps increase blood flow throughout the body. They believe this increased flow strengthens vital organs, including the heart, lungs, and kidneys; however, there is currently no scientific evidence to support this claim.
Read more about the claimed effects of Himalayan salt lamps on health now.
Effect On Concentration

Since Himalayan salt lamps are believed to generate negative ions that increase blood flow to the brain, some individuals believe the lamps could have a positive effect on concentration. Specifically, they suggest the use of Himalayan salt lamps could increase an individual's focus and even enable them to complete tasks more efficiently. Scientific evidence does not currently support this claim. However, if an individual feels the salt lamp could be beneficial for their concentration, there is no harm in using one at home. Patients may want to consider placing their Himalayan salt lamp on the desk in their study area or workspace.
Discover additional health claims of Himalayan salt lamps now.
Effect On Stress

Anecdotal evidence suggests some patients may have reduced anxiety and stress after using a Himalayan salt lamp. Although scientific studies are needed to verify this claim, some health experts believe the lamp's positive effect on stress may be due to the color of the light it produces. Authentic Himalayan salt lamps emit a slightly pink or orange glow, and color therapy suggests these hues are calming and happy. Many patients keep Himalayan salt lamps on a bedside table or elsewhere in their bedroom to promote stress reduction and peaceful sleep. Some doctors believe the negative ions that may be released by the lamps could help increase serotonin. Increased serotonin levels are associated with reductions in stress and symptoms of depression.
Get familiar with more claims associated with Himalayan salt lamps now.
Effect On Coughing

Himalayan salt lamps may trap dust particles and filter air pollutants, and this could reduce coughing. While more research on the lamps is necessary, research has shown salt therapy does have a positive effect on coughing. The practice of salt therapy dates back to the late 1800s. Studies have shown receiving salt therapy in a salt cave helps up to eighty-five percent of study participants with asthma and up to ninety-seven percent of participants with chronic bronchitis. Patients who notice frequent coughing should be evaluated by a physician, and they should ask about if they might benefit from salt therapy or a Himalayan salt lamp.