Vitamins And Supplements To Avoid Before Surgery

September 11, 2023

While vitamins and supplements can provide a healthy balance to overall health, using certain ones before surgery can have adverse, and even dangerous, effects. Most physicians will provide patients with a list of things they can or cannot do prior to surgery and usually, this will include a list of medications they should avoid within the two weeks leading up to surgery. It is important that if a patient is taking herbal supplements or vitamins to discuss their use with their doctor to determine whether or not it is safe to continue taking them leading up to surgery.

Here are a few of the common vitamins and supplements to avoid before surgery.



Ginseng is a great supplement known for its energy boosting and stress-reducing effects. But it should not be used before surgery because it can increase blood pressure to dangerous levels as well invoke a rapid heartbeat during surgery. It has also been found to increase the risk of heavy bleeding and cause blood sugar to plummet to life-threatening levels. These adverse effects of ginseng can prove fatal for individuals undergoing and recovering from surgery. Individuals taking ginseng should cease taking the supplement at least five days before they undergo surgery to minimize adverse effects and should talk to their surgeon and physician to determine a suitable timetable to begin taking the supplement again.

Keep reading to learn more about what vitamins and supplements to avoid taking before undergoing surgery now.

St. John's Wort


St. John's wort is a common supplement used to help minimize the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Individuals undergoing surgery while using the supplement have been found to have a more difficult time recovering from anesthesia due to the fact St. John's wort can interfere with the effectiveness of anesthesia. Studies indicate patients who have undergone surgery while using the medication have a more difficult time waking up after surgery and experience more adverse effects due to anesthesia after surgery than patients who do not take the supplement prior. Surgery patients taking St. John's wort should cease the medication at least five days prior to surgery and should speak with their physician to determine when resuming the supplement would be appropriate.

Uncover more supplements and vitamins to stop taking before surgery now.

Fish Oil And Omega 3


Fish oil and omega 3 are supplements used to prevent and manage heart disease and lower blood pressure. Studies indicate using these supplements before getting surgery can increase the risk of heavy bleeding during surgery. It can also reduce the bodies natural ability to clot, making it difficult for surgical incisions to properly heal following surgery and increasing the risk for the patient needing a blood transfusion. Fish oil and omega 3 should be discontinued at least seven days prior to surgery. In some cases, a physician may extend the time to four days, but it is important for patients to communicate with their doctors to determine the best cessation timeline for them.

Get the details on the next vitamin to avoid taking before surgery now.

Vitamin E


Vitamin E is used for a wide variety of conditions including asthma, respiratory infections, certain skin disorders, peptic ulcers, and chronic fatigue syndrome. In high doses (over four hundred IU per day), vitamin E has been found to thin the blood, increasing the risk for excessive bleeding during surgery. It may also interfere with the bodies natural clotting process. While vitamin E is beneficial in aiding in wound healing and the diminishment of scars, it is best for patients to cease taking the supplement at least two weeks prior to surgery and the resume their regimen after surgery is complete and their physician gives them permission to proceed.

Discover more supplements to stop taking before getting surgery now.

Ginkgo Biloba


Ginkgo biloba is a popular supplement used to treat a range of ailments including cognitive disorders, memory loss, dementia, vertigo, and glaucoma. Like many other herbal supplements, ginkgo biloba is dangerous to take in the period leading up to surgery because it interferes with the bodies natural clotting abilities and increases the risk for heavy bleeding during and after surgery. Individuals taking ginkgo biloba should discontinue use at least two weeks prior to surgery. Because the supplement can also interfere with clotting it is important for patients not to begin taking ginkgo biloba after surgery until they have spoken to their physician and are cleared to resume taking the supplement.

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