Effective Methods For Treating The Mumps
Mumps is an extremely contagious viral disease caused by the mumps virus. The infection can be passed from an infected individual through nasal secretions, saliva, and close personal contact. The infection primarily targets the salivary glands known as the parotid glands, which are found on each side of your face, and they are responsible for producing saliva. The infection results in a painful swelling of the neck and face, which makes it difficult for the infected individual to eat or speak comfortably. Mumps is more common in children than in adults. If it occurs in teenage or adulthood, the infection can become extremely serious and complicated. Besides swelling on the face and neck, men can experience swelling and pain in the testicles. The virus can also affect ovaries in women. These problems may lead to infertility if they are not treated in time.
A vaccine known as MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) can help children build immunity against in the virus. Adults who have had mumps usually develop immunity against the virus naturally. Mumps, as a virus, doesn’t respond to antibiotics and other medications. Most treatment options for mumps revolve around managing the symptoms caused by the disease. Learn more about this now.
Drink Plenty Of Fluids

If an individual has been infected with mumps, they are likely to experience flu-like symptoms, including fever. The body might lose a lot of water as it fights the infection, making it essential to drink lots of clear fluids to replace the water lost through excessive sweating. Increased loss of water from the body can cause dehydration, which in extreme cases can lead to heatstroke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or even a coma.
Ideally, individuals should drink up to ten glasses of water each day. But when they have a have a fever, patients will need to drink even more fluids. Drinking warm water throughout the day can ease most of the symptoms caused by mumps. During this time, individuals should avoid drinking caffeinated beverages, carbonated soda, or overly sweet drinks, as they can trigger dehydration.
While most fluids can help relieve symptoms, others can make the symptoms worse, including acidic drinks such as fruit juice. The acid in these fluids can irritate the already swollen parotid glands hence causing more pain.
Get to know the next way to effectively treat mumps now.
Stay On Bed Rest

The mumps virus takes twelve to twenty-five days to multiply before the symptoms manifest. The swelling on the salivary glands may show within hours, or develop gradually within a few days. Usually, the symptoms associated with mumps infection disappear within three to seven days. During this time, individuals will need to stay on bed rest to give their body enough time to fight the infection. Just like with other viral infections, individuals are likely to feel fatigued in the first few days, which make it essential to get enough rest. If the symptoms don’t resolve within a week, patients should talk to their doctor. If a child has mumps, it isn’t wise to take them to school or even daycare for a minimum of five days from the onset of symptoms.
Mumps is contagious within the first few days of infection. In the United States, all healthcare providers are required to report cases of mumps to the public health department to prevent the disease from spreading. Adults should isolate themselves and get enough rest to avoid spreading the infection to others.
Learn more about treating mumps effectively now.
Apply Warm Or Cool Compresses

Applying warm or cool compresses on swollen glands soothes pain and reduces swelling. Traditionally, heating pads and ice packs have been used for arthritis, pulled muscles, inflammation, and many other conditions. Treating pain and inflammation using hot or cold compresses is affordable and highly effective, but most individuals don’t know where to use hot or cold compresses.
Generally, ice packs should be used for inflammation and swelling, acute injuries, and pain. On the other hand, heating pads should be used for treating muscle stiffness and pain. Heat pads help to improve blood flow in the affected area because of the increased temperatures. The increased temperatures help increase muscle flexibility and soothe discomfort. Cold therapy, on the other hand, works by reducing the flow of blood to the affected area. It can significantly reduce swelling and inflammation. The cold can temporarily reduce nerve activity, thus relieving pain.
Get familiar with the next treatment method for mumps now.
Pain Relief Medication

If the pain from swollen glands become too much, patients might consider taking pain relief medication. There are many over-the-counter pain relievers at local drug stores, but remember not every pain reliever is appropriate for every individual. Pain relievers are put into two main groups: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, and fever reducers, such as acetaminophen. Pain relievers cannot make the illness to go away, but they can help relieve pain and other symptoms as the body fights the infection.
Continue reading to discover information about the next option for treating mumps now.
Consume Easy To Digest Foods

Consuming a balanced and nutritious diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can help in managing mumps. The diet should be accompanied by plenty of water. And since it is difficult to chew and swallow solid food, it is wise to consume easy to digest foods during the initial phase of the mumps infection.
Examples of foods individuals should consider eating at this time include mashed potatoes, soup, scrambled eggs, and oatmeal. Also, in the first few days of being sick with mumps, patients can consider drinking plenty of orange juice as it contains essential nutrients that can help in managing mumps. Thus, it is clear maintaining a healthy diet and good hygiene can help treat mumps quite effectively.