Surprising Superfoods That Support Thyroid Health

October 9, 2024

Most people do not link fatigue, thinning hair, brain fog, irritability, and hormonal imbalances to their thyroid, but these are all very common symptoms of thyroid-related problems, such as Hashimoto’s disease, Graves’s disease, and hypothyroidism. Eating a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods and eliminating processed sugars and carbohydrates has the potential to provide tremendous support for thyroid-related disorders. Some people even find that they can reduce their thyroid medications on an anti-inflammatory diet. Here are eight superfoods to concentrate on.


Turmeric is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory spices known to man. Because inflammation causes most thyroid-related problems, turmeric can be used as a safe and effective way to reduce inflammation, restore proper hormonal balance, and get rid of brain fog. Research shows it is even just as good as Prozac at treating depression, which is a common side effect of hypothyroidism. Be sure to look for a supplement that contains ninety-five percent curcuminoids and black pepper for absorption.

Continue reading to discover another unexpected superfood.

Bone Broth

A big part of healing the thyroid gland is also to heal the gut. Because roughly seventy percent of the immune system lives in the gut, it is often the first part of the body that becomes affected anytime disease takes over. Bone broth is full of vitamins and minerals that help naturally heal the lining of the gut. It also contains amino acids and collagen to support the thyroid. Most people enjoy drinking broth as a warm tea. It can also be added to soups as a healing base.

This next food is super (and fishy) for a reason!

Wild-Caught Salmon

Salmon is full of anti-inflammatory omega three fatty acids, which are needed to support cognitive functions, such as reducing depression and brain fog, as well as getting rid of any inflammation that may be plaguing the thyroid. Omega three fatty acids are also an excellent source of vitamin D, which has been linked to the improvement of many autoimmune conditions. Be sure to eat wild-caught salmon as opposed to farm-raised, which is a method of raising fish that includes harmful chemicals, additives, and food dyes.

Next, learn about the healing powers of fermented foods.

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are excellent for supporting gut health, which ultimately affects how well the thyroid functions. They contain probiotics, which are the “good” bacteria found in the gut that is responsible for restoring critical digestive processes, like absorption, elimination, and contributing to a healthy immune response. Snack on unsweetened coconut yogurt with berries in between meals or add a bowl of sauerkraut to a vegetable-based dish for dinner. Supplementing with probiotics may also help.

Go cuckoo-cuckoo for coconuts, next!

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains two active ingredients called caprylic acid and lauric acid that helps fight fatigue, which is a common side effect of thyroid problems. They are also highly anti-inflammatory and have been shown to balance hormone problems, boost the metabolism, and support the immune system. Replace highly inflammatory vegetable oils, such as corn, safflower and soybean oils, with coconut oil when cooking, or add a tablespoon of coconut oil to morning smoothies or coffee for a soothing treat.

This next superfood grows from the trees in the tropics. Can you guess what it is?

Green Plantains

Green plantains, or green bananas, contain resistant starch, which has been shown to restore gut health similar to soluble fiber by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria found in the digestive tract. It also helps keep things moving in the duodenum, which reduces inflammation that benefits the entire body, including the thyroid gland. Green plantain flour is available for gluten-free baking and can be used in combination with coconut flour to make some tasty anti-inflammatory foods.

Dive under the sea to explore this next superfood.


Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the world. Seaweed such as spirulina is a good source of iodine along with naturally detoxing nutrients to help reduce inflammation and get rid of harmful toxins in the body. Sipping on spirulina tea in place of sugar-laden caffeine drinks may help restore thyroid health. Keep in mind that iodine can be dangerous if taken without proper selenium levels. To create a balance, be sure to keep selenium levels up if supplementing with seaweed.

Go nutty for this next thyroid-friendly superfood.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium, which supports hormone metabolism. Research shows that thyroid disorders are linked to selenium deficiencies. It only takes about two Brazil nuts a day to get the daily requirement of selenium. Add some to a bowl of oats in the morning or snack on them raw with a handful of blueberries in the afternoon. Other good sources of selenium are tuna, grass-fed beef, chicken, turkey, spinach, and halibut.

Discover another wonderful food that is great for a healthy thyroid now.



Foods that are high in antioxidants are fantastic for your thyroid health, especially berries and fruits that are packed with these essential nutrients. One specific study conducted on patients with hypothyroidism suggests that patients have higher levels of free radicals, and antioxidants can help battle these free radicals off. Free radicals can cause cell damage when present in high amounts, and antioxidants can keep these levels under control so the thyroid can continue to function normally. Antioxidants found in berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, can also reduce oxidative stress, and in addition to protecting the cells, antioxidants such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and resveratrol, can reduce the risk of disease, such as thyroid disorders, from developing or help with reducing symptoms.

Keep reading to explore another 'egg-cellent' superfood that supports a healthy thyroid.


HuffPost Australia

Iodine is a vital mineral that is a key component in producing thyroid hormones, thus individuals with an iodine deficiency are at an increased risk of developing hypothyroidism. Thankfully, numerous foods contain iodine, including eggs. For instance, one egg contains approximately fifteen percent of a person’s daily recommended dose of iodine. Eggs also contain another necessary mineral that is critical for proper thyroid function, selenium, at a whopping twenty percent of a person’s daily recommended dose. Selenium helps the body activate thyroid hormones so they can be used by the body, and selenium also contains antioxidants that can protect the thyroid gland from free radicals. Whole eggs are also the best option, as a majority of iodine and selenium are found in the yolk, while the whites are notoriously known to be packed with protein.

Reveal which leafy greens are essential for a healthy thyroid gland now.

Leafy Greens


Spinach, lettuce, and other leafy greens are your best bet when it comes to consuming the right types of leafy greens that support a healthy thyroid. Yes, all vegetables are fine to eat, and cruciferous vegetables are a good option to consume as well, but only in moderation and when cooked. Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage do contain goitrogens, which is a chemical compound that can interfere with one’s thyroid function and prevent the thyroid from getting enough iodine. However, problems only arise if an individual is eating a ton of these vegetables and not getting enough iodine in their diet. If you’re concerned, eat more spinach, as this versatile green is lower in goitrogens and contains thyroid-supporting nutrients such as antioxidants and iron. Spinach, lettuce, and other leafy greens are also fantastic sources of magnesium, which is a critical mineral that plays a significant role in how the body functions.

Next, find out what superfood supports not only a healthy thyroid, but boosts the immune system too.



Ah, garlic: one of the ultimate superfoods. Not only does garlic help combat sickness, reduces blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels, and lowers the risk of heart disease, but it also supports a healthy thyroid gland. Garlic is thyroid-friendly as it supports blood-sugar metabolism and helps fight inflammation within the body. This savory food is also known to balance out foods that are rich in carbohydrates and fats, which may affect the functioning of the thyroid. This highly versatile herb also contains sulfur compounds, which contain many benefits, as well as manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber, and six percent of one’s daily dose of selenium. Garlic also has antioxidants that not only help to detoxify the body of metals but also of free radicals. Grown for its distinctive taste and fragrance, garlic is loaded with health benefits making it not only a superfood but a great herb to add to your diet to help support your thyroid’s health.

Uncover a surprisingly common oil that supports a healthy thyroid that is used in numerous meals now.

Olive Oil


Olive oil, a staple many households across America and used in a variety of dishes, is loaded with many nutrients and healthy fats. In fact, these healthy fats can help maximize an individual’s metabolism and help regulate weight, which are components that are all tied to a happy, healthy thyroid. Olive oil also contains antioxidant polyphenols which have anti-cancer properties as well. In addition to antioxidants, olive oil also contains vitamins E, K, anti-inflammatory properties, and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke. This essential oil also protects blood cholesterol from oxidation. Olive oil’s chemical makeup contains fourteen percent of saturated fat, eleven percent of this fat is polyunsaturated and is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. But the dominant fatty acid in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, with studies suggesting this is the key component in olive oil that supports a healthy thyroid and helps to reduce inflammation within the body.

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