Guide To Preventing And Treating Periostitis

September 14, 2023

Periostitis is the inflammation of the tissue surrounding the bone. This is commonly found in individuals who partake in repetitive movements, like jumping, running, or lifting heavy weights. Periostitis can be acute or chronic. Acute presentations are usually due to an infection accompanied by fever, pus, and severe pain. They can be the result of an injury that does not heal and makes its way to the bone. It can also be caused by illnesses such as a urinary tract infection. Chronic conditions are usually due to persistent stress on the bones or trauma. The condition typically affects the legs, but can also be found in the arms and spine.

Learn about the ways in which periostitis can be treated and prevented now.

Surgical Debridement


Acute periostitis can be caused by an infection. When diagnosed, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. But this is not the end of the treatment. The doctor must make sure any tissue or bone that suffered necrosis is removed. Removing this tissue from the bone will help prevent the infection from spreading any further. This process is called surgical debridement, and it involves cleaning out the infected bone and tissue and anything that is dead. Many cases of periostitis are caused by repetitive actions. Therefore, these injuries will be more internal and require surgery to successfully clean out the area. Cases resulting from a wound not healing and making its way down to the bone can be done surgically through the wound site or by using special dressings. It is critical to get all the components of the infection so it does not come back.

Uncover details on the next method of treating periostitis now.

Course Of Antibiotics


Sometimes periostitis is caused by an infection or underlying disease. It is necessary to treat the patient with a course of antibiotics so the infection is killed, and it cannot spread further into the bone or to other parts of the body. Infections are dangerous and can kill healthy tissue and bone. Additionally, if the patient needs to have surgery to either remove infected or dead tissue or to address a more chronic condition, they will need to take antibiotics to make sure an infection does not take hold. Hospitals are full of ways to get an infection, even if the patient did not go in with one. Therefore, patients may be given prophylactic antibiotics to reduce the chance of any complications because of the surgery. And, if a patient is at a higher risk for infection, antibiotics may be used.

Continue reading for more options for treating and preventing periostitis now.

Rest And Ice


Whether patients have an acute case or a chronic case of periostitis, they will have to take it easy. However, when an individual is suffering from the chronic condition because of activities they are involved in, they may also need rest and ice. Ice will help reduce swelling and rest will give the area some needed inactivity. When individuals suffer from an injury caused by overuse, it is important for them to make sure they are doing the activity properly by consulting a professional. Furthermore, if patients feel pain, they should stop the activity, put ice on the area, and rest it so their body can repair itself. This might mean patients need more than an afternoon off. Patients should consult a doctor who can give them a better timeline for inactivity. For many individuals, this might be difficult, but it is necessary to avoid further damage to the tissue around the bone. If the pain does not go away, patients may need other interventions.

Learn more about how to prevent and treat periostitis now.

Physical Therapy


If patients are experiencing pain when doing certain activities, they might need the help of physical therapy. This therapy will help treat the area through stretching, special exercises, and other techniques. Patients may have an underlying condition they do not know about. Seeing a physical therapist can help give individuals a total picture of how they are using their body. The therapist can do evaluations that can tell patients what they may or may not be doing wrong. Furthermore, they can help individuals fix movements or activities they may be doing incorrectly, thus causing injury. Physical therapy may take awhile. It usually takes multiple sessions with a therapist and dedication to prescribed exercises to treat any underlying condition or habit, including when periostitis is involved. Patients need to be as committed to physical therapy as they are to the activities they enjoy doing. They may need to do certain exercises for a long time to give their body a chance to adjust and heal. But, in the end, patients will be stronger and have better knowledge to help them avoid injury in the future.

Discover more information about effectively preventing and treating periostitis now.

Avoid High-Impact Activities


There may come a time that even with the proper therapy and the coaching of a professional on proper form, the body may not cooperate. This could mean patients experience pain regardless of how they do something or what exercises and stretches they perform before an activity. Unfortunately, though especially to avoid periostitis, patients may need to avoid high-impact activities. This could mean changing sports or modifying the intensity. Sometimes the body just cannot perform repetitive motions without pain. And if individuals are experiencing pain, it is their body's way of telling them they need to stop doing it. This can be very hard for some individuals, especially professional athletes or sports enthusiasts. But, if individuals do not listen to their body, they can do damage to it that might not be reversible or could leave them with a lifetime of pain. It is imperative for patients to consult with a doctor about their options and if there is anything that can alleviate the pain.

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