8 Reasons You Should Pee in the Shower (And Not Feel Gross About It)
If you have ever peed in the shower, you know it is not as disgusting as it sounds. If you have never tried the deed, it probably sounds gross and is something you would never do. While your shower routine is a private matter, apparently, there are good reasons to bring it out into the open. There is even a student program at the University of East Anglia that is dedicated to encouraging people to pee in the shower. Here are a few reasons why it can actually be beneficial.
Save Money
Reduce the cost of your utility bills by peeing in the shower. You can feel comfortable peeing in the shower because it will save you money. Think about it, each pee in the shower saves one flush, so multiply that by the number of people and days and you can see the savings add up.
Help The Environment
Believe it our not, you are playing a role in helping save the environment. Each toilet flush that is saved means less water is used. Saving household usage of water is beneficial for the environment as less water is consumed and processed.
Reduce Paper Waste
Peeing in the shower also means less toilet paper is used. That may save both your household and the city money, as less toilet paper is bought and less clean up of the sewage system is required. Ultimately this is also good for the environment as less toilet paper means saving more trees and paper resources.
If you're still thinking this is a gross practice, consider that any urine gets quickly washed down the shower drain for a very clean pee. Everyone has seen urine drops on the toilet seat that are sometimes left behind. This is no longer an issue when you pee carefully in the shower.
Get A Mini-Workout
Practice your squats and gain some definition in your thighs. Peeing in the shower offers a mini-workout for your thighs as you bend to squat and stand up again. If you do this every morning, you just might start noticing a little more muscle definition.
Improve Your Aim
Improving your aim means no more urine drops and spatter left behind on the toilet seat. Both men and women can improve their aim during urination in the shower. The drain makes the perfect target to help you do just that.
Makes You Happy
Peeing in the shower can make you feel lighter in spirit and lighter literally. As an adult, you may feel burdened by responsibilities with little time for fun. Peeing in the shower can be a fun and rebellious activity to help you feel a little more carefree again.
Not Uncommon
The real amount of people that pee in the shower will probably come as a bit of a surprise. A Today Show poll revealed that more than 80 percent of people enjoy peeing in the shower and see nothing wrong with doing so. If you're still not convinced, just give it a try, even once and be the judge for yourself.