What Is The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet?

September 24, 2023

Apple cider vinegar has become one of the most popular health products claiming it can help individuals lose weight and even cure some diseases. For thousands of years, it's been used for treating pneumonia, detoxification, and a host of other ailments. Acetic acid blocks the absorption of starch, causing glucose to go down. Apple cider vinegar covers several health benefits from many areas of the body from the heart to the skin. Weight loss is another reason individuals are turning to apple cider vinegar.

Studies have shown taking two tablespoons of the vinegar daily for twelve weeks produced lower visceral fat, body mass index, body weight, triglyceride levels, and waist measurement. Apple cider vinegar stimulates the body's ability to break down and derive minerals from protein and fats from the digestive system more efficiently.

What The Diet Does


Drinking apple cider vinegar before meals will curb an individual's appetite. Apple cider vinegar increases stomach acid acting as a natural probiotic. After apples are fermented into vinegar, calcium, potassium, and beta-carotene remain to provide individuals with powerful antioxidants. These vital nutrients are responsible for preventing free radical damage, and keeping the body healthy and running smoothly.

The apple cider vinegar diet will increase the body's absorption of these minerals to boost metabolism, suppress the appetite, reduce water retention, and help individuals shed unwanted weight. Individuals will likely find after a few days they will no longer need coffee, as apple cider vinegar can naturally boost energy.

Basic Recipe Used


The basic recipe used to make this energizing weight loss drink is apple cider vinegar and honey. It's always best to choose organic raw apple cider vinegar, which individuals can find in most grocery stores. This recipe is easy to recreate and will keep the immune system healthy throughout the cold winter months. Individuals can choose to use distilled or sparkling water depending on preference. They just need to combine two cups of water, four tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar, and a quarter teaspoon of honey in a tall glass, before adding a few ice cubes and mixing until the honey is completely dissolved.

How To Put The Diet Into Practice


Both raw apples and apple cider vinegar contain the fiber pectin, which is known to increase an individual's sense of fullness after they eat, thus lowering their desire to compulsively snack. Slowly introducing apple cider vinegar is how to put the diet into practice. Individuals can drink two tablespoons of the vinegar straight, mix it with water, or add it to salads as a dressing. The recommended daily dose is two tablespoons, but individuals should start with one to see how their body reacts. Organic apple cider vinegar is safe to drink every day, if not exceeding more than four tablespoons. Combine apple cider vinegar with a well-balanced diet and exercise will help accelerate weight loss.

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar


Some benefits of apple cider vinegar include improvements in cholesterol, blood sugar, and fullness. The main component in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which known to lower blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes. Metabolic disorders also caused by high-fat diets were prevented after taking apple cider vinegar. The acid in the vinegar helps the body maintain an alkaline pH, which promotes vitality and can combat cancer. An individual's pH balance measures the body's alkalinity and acidity. If an individual has high acidity levels, it can lead to acidosis that affects the lungs, kidneys, and kidney stones. Apple cider vinegar is essential for managing blood sugar levels after meals, which is beneficial for those with diabetes.

Side Effects Of Too Much Apple Cider Vinegar


When first starting to use apple cider vinegar, individuals should make sure it's heavily diluted in water. Excessive doses will cause tooth erosion or burn the throat and mouth, and this is one reason why individuals should rinse their mouths immediately after consuming apple cider vinegar. The effect apple cider vinegar has on preventing blood sugar spikes can worsen symptoms of gastroparesis. Symptoms will cause bloating, heartburn, and nausea for individuals with type 1 diabetes. Other side effects of too much apple cider vinegar are the negative interactions with medications. In certain diabetes medicines, it can amplify the effects. It's important for patients to discuss any concerns about this with their doctor before consuming apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet And Potassium


In the medical community, there is some concern the apple cider vinegar diet may be associated with low potassium. Doctors have reported apple cider vinegar can interact with certain medications, including insulin and diuretics, and they believe these interactions could contribute to reductions in potassium. A 1998 case study reported that a young woman who consumed eight ounces of diluted apple cider vinegar each day for six years was admitted to the hospital with low potassium and other blood chemistry abnormalities.

Although the apple cider vinegar diet generally uses only a few teaspoons of the vinegar per day, researchers advise patients to consult a physician before starting this diet, especially if they are taking any medications or have any underlying health issues.

Compared To Similar Diets


Like the cabbage soup diet, the apple cider vinegar diet is considered a fad diet, and it is not generally recommended by healthcare professionals. Although it is more sustainable than other types of fad diets that involve severe calorie restriction, it is unlikely consuming apple cider vinegar will result in significant weight loss on its own. A 2009 Japanese study examined the effects of apple cider vinegar on body weight over twelve weeks. The research involved 144 obese adults, and the subjects were divided into three groups. One group consumed one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar each day during the study, and another group consumed two teaspoons per day. The third group received a placebo. All of the participants continued with their regular diets during the study.

After the study, the individuals who consumed a single teaspoon of apple cider vinegar had an average weight loss of 2.6 pounds, and those who consumed two teaspoons lost approximately 3.7 pounds. The patients in the placebo group gained nearly one pound. Since the weight loss in this study was so modest and amounted to roughly one pound a month, the apple cider vinegar diet is unlikely to be helpful for patients who need to lose a significant amount of weight. These patients are advised to consider following a long-term weight loss plan that includes calorie counting and regular physical activity.

Healthier Alternatives For Weight Loss


Medical professionals suggest patients looking to lose weight aim to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes long-term diet and exercise changes. Instead of the apple cider vinegar diet, healthier alternatives for weight loss could include the Meditteranean diet or DASH diet, and some patients have had success with plant-based diets as well. Before starting a new eating plan, patients may want to consider having a medical examination to check for underlying health conditions that could be contributing to weight issues.

Individuals with diabetes may need to follow a special diet for weight loss, and patients with cardiac conditions might be given specific guidelines for dietary fat intake. In cases of severe obesity, doctors might recommend that patients use a meal replacement diet for a few months before they transition to preparing their own meals. Nutritionists can help patients with ideas for healthy meal planning and with finding an appropriate daily calorie intake, and patients might want to consider joining a support group during their weight loss journey.

Other Health Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is used to promote health in several ways that extend beyond weight loss. For example, some individuals use it to reduce blood glucose, and it might also help patients feel full longer after meals. In fact, research suggests consuming apple cider vinegar after eating a high-carbohydrate meal could improve insulin sensitivity by up to thirty-four percent, and other studies indicate the vinegar could help patients consume fewer calories. Soothing a sore throat and removing warts are some of the other health uses for apple cider vinegar.

To reduce the risk of throat burns, apple cider vinegar should be mixed with water before being used for gargling, and patients should check with a dermatologist before using vinegar to remove warts or other skin lesions. Although some patients use apple cider vinegar as a natural teeth whitener, the acidity of the vinegar could destroy tooth enamel. Dentists strongly advise against this method of teeth whitening. While apple cider vinegar might be safe for use as a home remedy in certain situations, patients should always ask a doctor before they begin using it regularly.

Apple Cider Vinegar As A Supplement


Some patients choose to take apple cider vinegar as a supplement. Unlike the raw vinegar itself, tablets that contain apple cider vinegar do not have a sour taste, and they may be easier to consume. Companies that make apple cider vinegar supplements claim the tablets could help reduce blood pressure, decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, and treat bacterial infections.

However, scientists and others in the medical community caution that the supplements may have only modest benefits, and supplementation could be harmful to patients with certain medical conditions. Most of the existing studies on apple cider vinegar pills were conducted on animals, and the supplements could work differently in humans. Patients should discuss the risks and benefits of apple cider vinegar supplements with a healthcare professional before adding the tablets to their daily routine.

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