Sob Story: Reasons Why It's Good To Cry

September 20, 2023

The experience of a 'good cry' is something we all can relate to because there are times when you just need to let out all those emotions. Crying is one of the most effective ways to do so. Many individuals think crying is a sign of weakness, but this is far from the truth. In fact, the reasons people cry are as different as tear types. Tears are not only a sign of emotion, but they are also used to maintain and protect eye health. Why hold back those tears when you can let them flow and improve your overall health and well-being? Here are a few reasons it’s okay to cry your eyes out.

Releases Toxins

Crying is a protective measure that releases toxins of a physical and emotional nature. Physically, tears are the first line of defense when a foreign object enters the eye. Known as reflex tears, they occur when the eyes detect possible irritants such as sand, harsh chemicals, strong vapors, and other liquids. Tears act as a built-in eye flush assisting with the removal of unwanted materials through watering of the eyes. The excess tears create a protective barrier for the eyeballs. Crying also releases toxins through emotional tears. These tears rid the body of the chemicals associated with the stress-inducing hormone cortisol.

Continue reading for more on the health benefits of crying.

Kills Bacteria

Did you know crying kills bacteria? Tears contain a bacteria-fighting fluid known as lysozyme that offers natural anti-bacterial eye protection. Lysozyme is also found in many other bodily fluids such as saliva, semen, and breast milk where bacteria fighting is necessary. This fluid is so strong it kills some forms of bacteria by destroying bacteria cell walls. In fact, studies show lysozyme kills bacteria within ten minutes of exposure, even for extremely harmful bacterial agents such as anthrax. So, if your eyes are watering on their own, perhaps they warding off bacteria and an impending infection with the help of powerful lysozyme.

Continue for the health benefit of crying directly related to vision.

Improves Vision

Yes, a good cry does improve vision. The eyes are constantly producing basal tears used for lubrication. When these tears are in short supply, you suffer from what is most commonly referred to as dry eye. With this condition, it feels as if something is scratching the surface of the eye. While dry eye is treatable with-over-the counter eye drops, crying is one of the best ways to keep your eyes lubricated naturally. Tears lubricate not only the eyeball and eyelids but also the surrounding mucous membranes. When these membranes dry out, your vision becomes blurry. Crying improves vision by promoting natural eye lubrication.

Continue for more of the health benefits of crying every so often.

Boosts Mood

If you are looking for a mood booster, crying is the way to go. Crying boosts your mood by allowing you to release suppressed emotions. Suppressing less than pleasant emotions such as anger and sadness will eventually result in great emotional distress, which is unhealthy as it doesn’t allow for free expression of your feelings.

You experience a great release of emotional burdens when you let down your guard and cry unabashedly. Ultimately, the emotional release boosts your mood by forcing you to address your issues. In turn, the crying reduces stress and tension. It is true. A good cry is sometimes all someone needs to feel better.

Get to know the next health benefit of crying now.

Stress Relief

Are you stressed to the limit? Crying is one of the best forms of stress relief. Stress creates many physiological issues such as headaches, high blood pressure, and tension. Crying provides stress relief by removing stress hormones and other toxins from the body. Just think about it. After crying, don’t you feel as if a huge burden is lifted? Shedding tears is not only good for your physical health but also your mental and emotional well-being. There are times when you just need to allow yourself to be vulnerable. Being 'on-edge' all the time isn’t healthy. Through crying, you permit yourself to let go, release control, and reduce your stress in return.

Whether you are looking to alleviate stress, reduce tension, or improve your vision, crying is one of the best ways to improve your health. Allow the power of your tears to move you to greater health and well-being.

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