Traits You Should Look For In A Life Coach

September 13, 2023

Life is hard, and most people need support to get through the day. The life coach business has exploded in popularity as a way to help people cope with challenging times in their lives. Some of the ways in which a life coach can make your life easier are to help you transition through a major change in your life. These changes include the birth of a child, a death in the family or a significant breakup, to keep you motivated in your career or to help you make sense of life’s challenges. A life coach has the ability to transform your life in an extraordinarily positive manner. However, be sure you look for a life coach with the right traits before you begin.


A compassionate life coach is a critical trait to look for if you want a successful outcome. If someone is yelling at you, always saying that you are wrong or simply using negative reinforcement as a way to motivate you, it will be impossible to accomplish your goals. You want a life coach who is going to be compassionate about your struggles in life. It is essential to understand the difference between empathy and compassion. Empathy is when someone says they understand what you are going through and asks how you feel about it. This forces you to revel in negative emotions. Compassion, on the other hand, is much more useful and productive. A life coach with compassion will take empathy to another level and offer a solution to your pain and suffering to move you in a positive direction rather than to just try to understand what you are going through. An effective life coach will help you get through situations instead of being a passive participant.

Next, find out why you want a supportive life coach.


A truly supportive life coach will always take your life challenges seriously and never belittle your struggles. They will understand that all of your difficulties are real to you and help you move forward in a positive direction. The support of a life coach will help you to avoid making repeated bad decisions and poor choices. When you do make a bad decision or poor choice, they will not berate you for your actions, but rather they will support you in a healthy and encouraging manner. This will help minimize the chance that you will repeat your bad behavior in the future. This support will help you grow as a person and help you to reach your goals and aspirations.

Keep reading to reveal the significant role of listening.

A Great Listener

Your life coach should listen more than they speak. If your current life coach is dominating all of your conversations and meetings, they are not the right life coach for you. It is their job to listen to you and your needs, and then to guide you to make better life choices. They should not be dominating the partnership. They should not love to hear themselves talk nor should they talk about themselves all the time. The right life coach will become engrossed in your words rather than try to dominate the conversation. The conversations should always be about your life and your struggles rather than theirs. You pay them to listen to you not the other way around. A superb life coach will be a great listener and will listen to you attentively and without judgmentso the both of you can work through your problems and come to a healthy solution.

Continue reading to understand the importance of rapport.

Great Rapport Builder

Building rapport is perhaps the most important aspect of successful life coaching. Rapport is essential to developing a positive, healthy and genuine relationship between coach and client. The best life coaches are great rapport builders and will actively build a solid rapport with you. Without rapport, you will not be able to easily communicate and share your most personal life struggles. Without rapport, you may also not feel as though you can trust your life coach. Furthermore, you might not feel you can be entirely truthful about all circumstances, and this is crucial to overcoming obstacles in life. Good rapport with a life coach will make you feel like they trulysupport and care about your wellbeing and life struggles.

Next, discover this critical trait that all life coaches should have.

A Love For Helping Others

Another essential trait of a great life coach is that they love helping others. This relates back to listening. If your life coach cares more about themselves rather than your needs, they are not the right life coach for you. It is important to note that not all people like to help others. This is a unique quality in a limited number of people. Some individuals pursue life coaching because they can make a lot of money by taking advantage of patients in need rather than doing it because they genuinely care for people. Look for signs that your life coach truly loves to help others such as they are compassionate, are sensitive to others' needs, are gentle and considerate with their words and actions, are kind,and show respect towards others.

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