The Importance Of Saying 'No'
Sometimes you just need to say no to others. You cannot always live up to other people's expectations of you and must learn how to be assertive. If you answer yes to everything someone asks of you, it can make you feel like you being taken for granted. Individuals who say no value their time and know how to distance themselves from the situations and places they do not want to be around.
When you say no, you are securing your emotional well-being and taking care of yourself. Saying no is a courageous step and lets others know where you stand. At first, it may be difficult to speak up for what you want, but in time it will get easier. Whenever you say no to something you do not want to do, it makes you more confident, gives you more time, and lets others know you deserve respect.
Reduces Stress

If you have plenty of responsibilities and cannot do something for someone, saying no is a must. You need to stay on course with your schedule and commitments. When someone asks you to spend time fulfilling their request, you should make sure you are not overburdening yourself. To avoid stress, you must be straightforward with family, friends, and co-workers. It allows you to manage your life and can reduce stress too. Having too many responsibilities is not healthy for you and may put you at risk for illnesses you could have avoided by setting boundaries.
Before you agree to a commitment, make sure you have the time to spare. You will also want to consider how urgent the request is for you and if it adds stress. Do not feel guilty for not living up to others' expectations of you and say no firmly. If you want to, provide a short explanation of why you can’t commit. You should be respectful and honest when communicating your feelings and ready to repeat your refusal if necessary.
Keep reading for another reason saying no is essential for health.
Makes You More Confident

At some point, we will all find ourselves in situations where someone asks us for favors and to help them with commitments. Even though we want to say it, we often find it difficult to state we cannot be there for them. When this happens, our own obligations may take second place to handle someone else’s responsibilities. You can prevent this from happening by saying no confidently and without hesitation. When you speak up for yourself, it makes you more confident and builds your self-esteem.
There is no way you can please everyone, so stating what you need is imperative. If you do not learn to say no to others, you will end up tired, anxious, and burnt out. You may also begin to become angry and resentful of the people that keep asking for your time. Others will continue to demand things from you that you cannot offer and expect you to always satisfy their wants. It is important for you to prioritize your life and refrain from spreading yourself too thin.
Keep reading for more on the health benefits of saying no.
Increases Energy

When you begin to speak up for yourself by saying no, it increases your energy. Your energy level increases because you have more time to tend to your needs and wants. It does not mean you are a selfish person because you choose to value your time and opinion. You should not feel guilty whatsoever for saying no. It does not make you a bad person or rude. You are just letting others know what your priorities are and that you are managing your own responsibilities. They will also become aware of your worth and realize you are self-confident.
Since you are organizing your time better, you can get some rest and stay focused on your life. The energy you get from not making commitments to others can be used to improve your circumstances and give you peace. Your energy is protected, and you begin to release draining relationships and stressful individuals. By learning to set healthy boundaries, negative individuals can be avoided and unhealthy friendships prevented.
Continue reading for more reasons to say no.
Gives You More Time

If you say yes to everything others ask of you, there will never be any time for yourself. The effects of never being assertive, as you likely know by now, include added stress, anger, and less energy. You feel tired constantly and do not have a sense of control over your life. You also allow others to cross boundaries and demand too much of your time. Before committing yourself to someone make sure you have the time. It is a difference between being busy and productive. When you are busy, you are spending time on frivolous activities, but productive energy requires brain power and helps you achieve a goal.
When you say no to someone who asks you to make a commitment, it gives you more time. There is no need to explain yourself after you say no or feel rude about doing so, provided you are polite when you decline. It is impossible to please everyone out there all the time and satisfy requests on a continual basis without becoming drained. Spending time on the activities that are important to you helps with discovering your own center and gaining inner freedom.
Keep reading for more benefits of saying no regularly.
More Respect

Although human beings are social, and long to be in groups for social approval, the companionship and support you seek is not always a good idea. When you overextend yourself or put your needs on hold for someone else can be toxic and cause negative reactions. The individuals you say yes to can become disrespectful and selfish despite your best efforts. You may begin to feel exploited, resentful, and unappreciated for the time you spent on them.
Saying no will let others know what your needs are and give you more respect as a result. This is because individuals see those with healthy boundaries as having higher self-esteem and confidence. They are more considerate of your feelings and tend to have more regard for your feelings due to this. Your friends, family, and co-workers will respect you more when you say no instead of making a commitment you can’t keep.