Symptoms Of Cavities

October 3, 2023

Cavities occur when teeth begin to decay in the mouth. Teeth have multiple layers. The outer layer of the tooth is called enamel, and the inner layer of the tooth is called dentin. When the outer layer and or the inner layer of the tooth is damaged, the tooth can begin to decay, which is what forms a cavity. The three types of cavities are a smooth surface cavity, a fissure cavity, and a root cavity. Cavities can be formed from physical damage to the tooth as well as the food and drinks consumed. Carbohydrates and sugar stick to teeth and change the bacteria found in the mouth to acids. These acids combine with food left behind and saliva to create plaque. The acids in the plaque break down tooth enamel and create holes from decay, which are cavities. Oral health is vital for your overall health and can be linked to different diseases outside of the mouth. It is imperative to know the symptoms related to a cavity so it can be treated as soon as possible.



Toothaches are the most common symptom and indication of a cavity. A toothache is a pain felt in the tooth without a physical cause for the pain. A physical cause would be cracking or breaking of the tooth. A toothache can be caused by the exposure of the nerve in the tooth normally protected by enamel and the dentin layers. This symptom can be debilitating depending on the severity of the cavity and pain. This could be a serious condition and should receive medical attention from a dentist as soon as possible.

Keep reading to reveal more symptoms of cavities.

Tooth Sensitivity


Tooth sensitivity is another common symptom of a cavity. Sensitivities can include pain when drinking sweet, hot, or cold beverages. Sensitivities can also include eating foods that are hot, cold, sweet or hard. This is caused when the nerve inside of the tooth is exposed or has less protection because of the cavity that has formed. This can be a painful symptom depending on the severity of the cavity. This symptom doesn't always mean a cavity is present for example sensitivity in teeth can also be caused by worn enamel. However, this symptom should be addressed by a medical professional to determine the cause.

Reveal more cavity signs now.

Stains On Teeth


Stains on teeth can be another symptom of a cavity. Discoloration of teeth can be a sign there is a cavity in the tooth. The tooth can have gray, white, brown, yellow, or sometimes black spots on or below the surface of the tooth. These spots may not always be an indication of a cavity. For example, the yellowing of teeth over time is normal due to worn enamel and aging of teeth.

Furthermore, a white spot on the tooth can be a calcium deposit or tartar. Calcium deposits and tartar can cause harm to a tooth if left untreated. This symptom should be taken seriously and should receive medical attention to determine whether it is a cavity or another medical condition.

Read more about signs of cavities now.

Holes In Teeth


Having holes in teeth is an obvious symptom of a cavity. When a smooth surface cavity or a pit a fissure cavity form, they are holes at the surface of the tooth. The difference between them is the pit fissure cavity goes deeper into the tooth than the smooth surface cavity. These cavities can be visible but can also be seen on an x-ray. These holes should receive medical attention as soon as possible so the cavity does not progress further. If a cavity is left untreated, it can become a much more serious medical condition, resulting in the removal of the tooth or a root canal.

Keep reading for more ways to spot cavities.

Pain When Biting Down


Pain when biting down can be another symptom of a cavity. This is caused because the nerve is less protected by enamel and the dentin layers of the tooth. The cavity causes pain in the tooth and the nerve when it is used for chewing food. Pain while biting down can also indicate an infection that may be caused by a cavity in the gum. While this symptom can indicate a cavity, it can also indicate physical damage that may have occurred. For example, a cracked or broken tooth is physical damage. This symptom should receive medical attention as soon as possible.

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