Aches and Pains You Should Never Ignore
Unfortunately, aches and pains are a part of life. We’ve all slept in an obscure position or have hurt our back when lifting something too heavy. But what about aches and pains that are less self-explanatory? How do they occur and what do they mean? Whether you are experiencing persistent or sharp, short-lived pains and aches, this may be an indication there’s something more serious going on. If you experience any of the following aches and pains, seek a physician's opinion.
Chest Pain

If you’ve been experiencing chest pain, you may think heartburn is to blame. Has a feeling of increased pressure transformed into an ache or pain? Chest pain and heart function are often linked. Angina, for instance, could mean there’s a blockage, depriving your heart of oxygen-rich blood.
Although you may not be having a heart attack, this could be a sign of heart disease. Is your pain accompanied by severe discomfort or pressure? Do you feel pain radiating into your jaw, throat, arm, abdomen, or back? Do not wait until you have pain; if you experience chest discomfort, seek medical attention.
Persistent Migraines

If you are someone who often experiences painful headaches or migraines, it could be a sign of something more serious. If you often get headaches that have become more severe or have been occurring more often than usual, it’s important to see a doctor immediately.
Although it may be as simple as dehydration or a nutritional deficiency, severe headaches could be a sign of cancer or significant neurological complications. Are your headaches accompanied by symptoms such as confusion, blurry vision, fever, or a sudden rash? What is your current blood pressure? Make a list of all the associated symptoms so your doctor has all the information they require.
Severe Abdominal Pain

Do you often find yourself holding your stomach, wishing that significant pain would subside? We have all eaten too much around the holidays and felt the after-dinner pain of gluttony, but severe or persistent abdominal pain should not be taken lightly.
An inflamed appendix, also known as appendicitis, is relatively common. Without immediate treatment, your appendix could rupture, leading to many serious complications. You may also be suffering from stomach ulcers, intestinal issues, a poorly functioning gallbladder, or kidney stones. Whether you have eaten contaminated food or have a urinary tract infection, seek a diagnosis so appropriate treatment can begin.
Burning Sensation In Legs Or Feet

Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes are both on the rise, affecting millions of Americans. Of those millions, approximately one-quarter has not yet been diagnosed. If you wait too long to address a burning sensation in your legs or feet, you could experience significant damage to your heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves. If you seek medical assistance early, however, you will reduce your risk of vision loss, strokes, and diabetic neuropathy. When you experience a persistent burning sensation in your legs or feet, this could be a sign nerve damage has begun. Consistently high blood glucose levels can lead to damaged nerve fibers, which leads to pain, tingling, and even numbness.
Significant Back Pain

Lower back pain is fairly common, and because of this, many individuals ignore back pain for quite a while before doing something about it. If you have been experiencing lower back pain that just won’t quit, it’s important to investigate the root cause. You may simply be working too hard, but if it’s something more serious, such as kidney stones or a tumor, it’s critical to seek early intervention in terms of treatment. If osteoporosis or arthritis are to blame, there are steps you can take to ensure effective pain management.
Unexplained Sore Calves

Maybe you went for a jog the other day and now your calves hurt. This is fairly normal, as your body aims to recover, but what if your calf pain isn’t linked to a workout or injury? If you are experiencing unexplained calf pain or swelling, you could be facing deep vein complications. If a vein has ruptured or you have a blood clot, you increase your risk of a life-threatening stroke or heart attack. Any calf pain that cannot be explained needs to be addressed immediately by a medical professional.
Testicular Discomfort And Pain

Just about every man will get hit in the testicles at some point, particularly if they play a sport like football or soccer. Pain stemming from an injury like this is common and resolves with time. However, unless one’s testicles have been hit and presumably bruised, no level of pain is normal within the testicular region. Any level of pain here needs to be professionally assessed, as many conditions can become much worse over time. From possible testicular cancer to a hernia, the sooner you seek professional medical help, the better. Even if you’ve been hit and know why the pain has occurred, it’s still recommended to get checked due to possible blood pools.
Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain, which mainly affects women, can be a sign of infection, inflammation, cysts, or worse. For men, pelvic pain may indicate something is wrong with their prostate gland. In women, it could be a sign of pelvic inflammatory disease, often caused by sexually-transmitted diseases and other bacteria. Since this can lead to surgery and infertility, early treatment is critical. Ovarian cysts are also a possibility. Pelvic pain that's also of concern is brief, shooting, and intense pelvic pain. Severe cramps associated with a woman's menstrual cycle may also indicate more serious medical conditions, such as endometriosis, so women should always seek medical attention if this type of pain applies to them.
Combined Abdominal And Back Pain

Sometimes abdominal discomfort is normal, such as when you eat a little too much at dinner or something doesn't agree with you, or if you have recently been hit in the stomach. Additionally, back pain can occasionally have a simple explanation, such as sleeping wrong. As discussed, sometimes both of these pains can indicate serious conditions, btu what is also crucial to note is abdominal and back pain occurring together is also a serious cause for concern. Specifically, this can indicate problems with the kidneys, such as an infection or even kidney stones, particularly if vomiting accompanies the latter. While individuals can occasionally pass kidney stones on their own, sometimes the pain is still too great to handle without medication, and in other cases surgical intervention is necessary.
Joint Pain

Sometimes with a workout or injury, joints can become sore. However, these are often easily fixed, and in many cases simply need rest and time before the pain disappears. But sometimes joint pain can indicate more serious medical conditions, such as arthritis. Joint pain accompanied by redness and swelling, for instance, shouldn't be taken lightly. Persistent joint pain, as well as pain that occurs at night, should also merit a close eye. In more severe cases, lupus or hepatitis may be the cause. This is especially true if your joint pain is accompanied by some other symptoms, such as a fever, fatigue, vomiting, or dark urine. Not treating serious instances of pain can not just prolong pain unnecessarily, but also make the pain worse, and run the risk of an individual dealing with chronic pain as a result. If you ignore your symptoms, you will miss out on a variety of pain management solutions.
Any Random Pain

No one wants to be in pain, but discomfort and painful symptoms are your body’s way of telling you something isn’t right and requires your immediate attention. If you are experiencing random pains you cannot explain, it’s important to take notice. Fibromyalgia is an example of a condition that increases an individual's sensitivity to pain and can make it seem as if the pain has no discernable trigger. In some cases, depression and stress are to blame, leading to back pain and headaches, among other pains with no apparent cause.
Pain In The Jaw

Pain in the jaw can be an indicator of a few different conditions. Sometimes, when accompanied by other symptoms such as numbness on one side of the body or chest pain, it can indicate an issue with the heart. In some instances, jaw pain could indicate an ear infection, since the pain from such an infection can radiate. Jaw pain may also be a sign of a toothache or another tooth issue like a cavity. Of course, a common cause of jaw pain is temporomandibular joint disease, which can be mild, but can also be quite severe and cause significant lasting damages. Because of this, jaw pain should not be pushed to the wayside.