5 Different Types Of Migraine Headaches And How To Get Relief

October 26, 2023

A migraine is more than a common headache - it’s overwhelming and severe. Migraines often last for hours and sometimes, they do not subside for days. For some, the pain is so intense that they experience extreme sensitivities to light, vomiting, and even disturbed vision. Some migraines can be so bad, in fact, that it isn't uncommon for those suffering to seek emergency relief at the hospital. Based on varying symptoms, there are different types of migraines. If you suffer from one of the five following types, here is how you’ll find relief.

5. Migraine Without Aura


Being one of the two main classification types, migraines without aura is a recurrent headache that last 4-72 hours. This is the most common type, often hindering one’s ability to take part in daily activities. Often painful and pulsating in nature, these migraines may also be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and irritability. Although the exact cause is not fully understood, it’s believed that genetics and weight play a key role. To eliminate symptoms use a wearable acupressure for quick relief along with an essential oil roll.

To find relief, try to figure out your personal trigger. Is it a certain factor within your environment? Is it stress? If possible, keep track of when your migraines occur and what you were doing when they develop. Once you determine your trigger, whether it be psychological or physical, you can take preventative measures. If you’re experiencing migraines often, speak to your doctor about possible medications and further testing.

4. Migraine With Aura


This type of migraine is similar to a migraine without aura, except symptoms also include short-term sensory and vision disturbances. These symptoms tend to develop before a painful headache begins. Before headache pain begins, aura symptoms will generally last 60 minutes or less. In terms of treatment, the current options are similar to migraine without aura.

There are a number of pain-relieving medications available, as well as effective stress management options, including cognitive behavioral therapy. If you think that stress is your main trigger, learning new techniques to minimize stress, could be highly beneficial long-term.

3. Basilar-Type Migraine


If you suffer from basilar migraines, then there is an issue in the brain stem of your brain. Similar to a migraine with aura, symptoms such as dizziness, double vision, and reduce coordination may occur before a headache begins. For those who experience this type of migraine, they often describe their pain as intense as it gradually spreads from one side of their head to the other.

Since this type of pain may be associated with more severe conditions, it’s important to contact a neurologist. A CT scan or an MRI will effectively eliminate other possible causes. To gain relief, nausea medications and pain relievers are often prescribed. To prevent the onset of a basilar migraine, follow a balanced lifestyle, limit stress, and get enough quality sleep.

2. Hemiplegic Migraine


When suffering from this type of migraine, motor weakness is also experienced. Although fairly rare overall, these migraines most commonly occur in children and infants. During an attack, individuals may exhibit signs of short-lived paralysis. In some cases, motor issues may last longer than the migraine itself.

Based on its complexity, this type of migraine can be fairly hard to diagnose. In terms of familial hemiplegic migraines, genetic testing can detect associated mutations. When symptoms do surface, seek medical attention immediately, as hemiplegic migraines can mimic symptoms that are linked to strokes. Ask your physician about calcium channel blockers in order to prevent attacks.

1. Ocular Migraine


This type of migraine is unique in that they’re generally painless - mainly affecting vision. With that being said, visual disturbances can be accompanied by a painful headache. Although they can be alarming, ocular migraines typically subside naturally after 20 to 30 minutes. Symptoms vary, including an enlarging blind spot and the appearance of flashing lights.

Experts aren’t exactly sure what causes ocular migraines, however, they believe the symptoms are related to spasms in the retina’s blood vessels. They may also occur due to changes involving the nerve cells across the retina. Research is still being conducted to determine the best form of treatment. Speak to your doctor about beta-blockers or a number of other options.

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