Parkinson’s Disease – Causes And Treatments
When a person is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, it means that his or her brain is failing to produce dopamine at an average pace. Dopamine is what signals the nerves in the body to function a certain way and perform precise movements. Without it, a person begins to experience tremors, as well as changes in speech and difficulty performing day-to-day activities. Often, muscles become stiffer, and one’s movements slow down significantly.
What Causes Parkinson's Disease?

Little is known about what may cause Parkinson’s disease to develop. Researchers have found some clues, but there is still a lot to be explored. One possible link that has been discovered is a tie between genetics and the formation of this condition. A few cases have shown that Parkinson’s develops due to an abnormal gene and that those who have had relatives diagnosed later discovered they had Parkinson’s, as well. This suggests that those who have Parkinson’s in their family history may be more prone to develop it themselves.
What Are The Development Factors?

Other factors play into the likelihood of developing Parkinson’s, as well. Age, gender, and exposure to certain toxins are all known for impacting the odds of having this disease. The older a person is, the more prone they are to developing it. Also, men are much more inclined to be diagnosed than women. As far as environmental impacts, certain toxins associated with agricultural work may have adverse effects on dopamine levels. On top of these main triggers, low estrogen levels, low vitamin B, and head trauma are all things could contribute to why a person has Parkinson’s disease.
Treatment Options For Parkinson's Disease

Becoming diagnosed with this condition can be a hard reality to cope with. Finding the right treatment is important and should be based on the specific needs of the individual suffering. There are a variety of medications that could help in managing symptoms, and a good balance can be found with the aid of medical professionals. Therapy is also a great option, as far as learning to master core competencies that have now become more challenging, such as walking, eating, and speaking clearly. For more advanced cases, surgery may be an option. Plans are typically made on a case-by-case basis and are dependent upon each individual’s reactions to various methods and medications.
Know When To Ask For Help

Finding ways to cope with Parkinson's disease physically is important, but so is maintaining strong mental health. Asking for help is always a good idea and relying on friends and family for support can help one keep a healthy outlook on life. There are also countless support groups filled with others who are going through the same thing that may be very beneficial to explore. Overall, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can work wonders in staying positive. By eating healthy, staying active, and by engaging in social events, living with this disease can be made much more bearable.