12 Safe And Simple Methods You Can Use To Effectively Get Rid Of A Stye

October 16, 2024

Most people will develop a stye, a painful, red bump on the inside or outside of the eyelid, at some point during their life. Although styes are not harmful to the eye, they can cause discomfort and interfere with vision if they are large enough. Styes develop because of staphylococcal bacteria, which are found in the nose and may occur when the bacteria are transferred to the eye. It is important to treat styes quickly not only because they can cause irritation but also because they are contagious. Here are twelve safe and simple ways to get rid of a stye.

Tea Bags


Tea bags offer a safe and effective way to quickly eliminate styes. To use this method, simply prepare a batch of green or black tea. Wait until the tea is cool enough that it will not burn the skin but is still somewhat warm. Next, soak a washcloth in the tea and press it against the stye. Alternatively, press a soaked tea bag against the stye. Hold the soaked washcloth or tea bag against the stye for at least ten minutes. Repeat this process five times a day until the stye disappears.

Coconut Oil


Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. There are many health and beauty benefits of coconut oil, and getting rid of styes is one of them. Applying coconut oil directly onto a stye accelerates healing and reduces pain. Simply place half a cup of coconut oil into a clean container; both liquid and hardened forms of coconut oil are safe for topical use. Next, wash the stye before applying a small amount of coconut oil onto it. Allow the oil to sit on the stye. Do not wipe or wash it off. It is important to allow the oil to sink into the stye. Complete this process at least five times per day.

Chamomile Leaves


Chamomile contains several active ingredients that help treat many conditions, including toothaches, earaches, and nerve damage. It is also known to be an effective treatment for styes due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To treat styes with chamomile, use loose leaf chamomile tea or chamomile tea bags. When making tea, add one teaspoon of chamomile leaves or a tea bag to a cup of hot water (not boiling). Let the tea sit for fifteen minutes, and then strain it. If using loose leaf tea, drink the tea and save a small amount of it for the stye. Dip a washcloth into the remaining tea and gently press it against the stye until the cloth dries. If using a tea bag, press it against the stye for ten to fifteen minutes. Do this at least five times.

Homemade Turmeric Paste

Turmeric is a spice that has been used as a natural healing agent for thousands of years. It is an effective treatment for styes because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Simply mix one teaspoon of turmeric with a small amount of coconut oil, caster oil, or water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until they become a paste. Next, clean the stye with warm water and apply a small amount of the paste to the stye and surrounding area for fifteen minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Repeat this process up to four times per day. Turmeric tea can also be used as an alternative treatment. Simply mix two teaspoons of turmeric with one cup of hot water and let the mixture cool. Dip a portion of a clean washcloth into the tea and apply it to the stye until the cloth dries out. Repeat this process no more than five times per day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antiseptic properties that make it an effective treatment for styes. Organic apple cider vinegar may be best, but any brand will do. Mix one part apple cider vinegar and two parts filtered, cooled, or boiled water. Let the mixture cool in the fridge for three hours. Using a clean cloth or makeup pad, apply the mixture to the stye and hold the cloth or makeup pad gently against the stye until it dries out. Repeat this process up to five times per day.

Tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil is often used to heal skin and fungal conditions. It is also an effective treatment for styes. Mix one teaspoon of tea tree oil and two tablespoons of cooled, filtered, or boiled water. Leave the mixture in the fridge for two to three hours. Apply a small amount of the cooled mixture to a clean cloth or makeup pad. Gently press the cloth or pad against the stye and surrounding area, letting the mixture sink into it. Repeat this process three times per day. Add tea tree oil to any other treatment on this list by adding a few drops of it.

Coriander Seeds


This treatment method should be used in conjunction with at least one other method on this list (i.e., tea bag or warm compress, coconut oil, chamomile leaves, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, or tea tree oil). Take a small cooking pot and add one tablespoon of coriander seeds to two cups of water and bring it to a boil. Once the water is boiling, remove the pot from the stove and let the seeds soak for an additional thirty minutes. Next, strain the seeds out and let the water cool. When the water is cool, use a clean cloth or makeup pad to apply it to the stye and surrounding area. Complete this process up to three times per day.

Sea Salt

Saltwater has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for skin ailments. The minerals in sea salt help soothe and heal inflamed, irritated, and even oozing skin. Salt can also kill off harmful bacteria and promote healthy cell regeneration. For styes, salt may reduce skin redness and swelling and accelerate healing. Although using sea salt is ideal for this purpose, any salt can be effective. Mix one teaspoon of salt with one cup of filtered water and stir it well. Dip a portion of a clean cloth or makeup pad into the water and gently press it against the stye and surrounding area. Repeat this every two hours until the stye goes away.

Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant is antibacterial and has many healing properties. It is used to heal cuts, wounds, sunburns, and styes. It is possible to use either a one hundred percent aloe vera gel or juice or the gel directly from the plant. If using the gel from a plant directly, cut the leaf lengthwise, and extract the gel from the leaf and place it into a clean container. Apply the gel directly onto the stye and surrounding area, letting it sit and sink into the stye to provide relief from pain and promote healing. Repeat this process up to four times per day. For additional relief, mix a small amount of chamomile tea with aloe vera gel or juice and apply the mixture to the stye with a clean washcloth or makeup pad.

Homemade Antibacterial Cream

Numerous natural ingredients are packed with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties and are effective treatments for styes. Combining them produces a powerful healing cream that can also be used as a preventive ointment to keep styes from forming in the first place. Combine half a cup of coconut oil and half a cup of jojoba or olive oil in a bowl. Add ten to fifteen drops of tea tree oil and five drops of lavender oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add a binding agent, such as beeswax or arrowroot powder, until the mixture thickens. To treat a stye with this cream, apply a small amount of it to the affected area three times per day. Let the skin absorb the cream instead of wiping or washing it off. To use the cream as a preventive ointment, carefully apply it to the face and around the eyes twice per week.

Oil Of Oregano

Oil of oregano is a natural antibiotic that, in some cases, can be more powerful than medical antibiotics. A natural antibiotic may be required for treating a recurring stye, which may stem from an infection. Oil of oregano does not kill off bad bacteria and is safe to take. Simply place three drops of oil of oregano under the tongue, holding it there for as long as possible and for up to five minutes before swallowing it. Repeat this procedure three times per day until the stye is healed. Alternatively, place three drops of oil of oregano in one tablespoon of water and consume the mixture.

A Warm Compress

Perhaps the easiest and most widely used treatment for styes is a warm compress. This simple remedy is very effective for treating styes and is recommended by doctors. It quickly reduces swelling and heals styes within four days at most. Create a warm compress by heating water on a stove or with an electric kettle until it is warm. Pour some water into a cup or bowl. Soak a clean washcloth or makeup pad in the water, wring out any excess, and place the cloth or pad onto the affected eye. Relax while the warm cloth or pad sits on the stye. Repeat this process as many times as needed.

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