How To Treat Cutaneous Candidiasis

February 22, 2024

Fungus is not uncommon in the human body, but no one wants to think about the fact it's always present. Candida is a fungus found in the skin, but it's not typically found in large enough numbers to matter. When numbers grow quickly, however, it can form what medical professionals refer to as candidiasis, which is an infection of the skin. It's easily treatable, and these tips can help patients treat and prevent it from one of the many forms of candidiasis infections. Cutaneous candidiasis is commonly found in children and babies, and it's an infection found around the nail beds or in folds of skin. This is commonly caused by thumb sucking, but also when babies spit up, sweat, or let milk run down their necks and into the folds of skin located there. It can happen to anyone, and it can happen at any time. Learn how to best treat cutaneous candidiasis now.

Proper Hygiene Practice

One of the best and easiest ways to treat and prevent cutaneous candidiasis is to engage in proper hygiene. This type of fungi is fond of growing on warm and moist places. Patients might notice a rash forming under their armpits, behind their knees, and anywhere else there are folds in their skin. It's uncomfortable and irritating, but it's not overly dangerous if patients get a handle on it right away. When individuals practice proper hygiene habits such as bathing daily, showering after a workout, and drying their skin completely when they are finished with a swim or shower, they can minimize the risk of growth. This fungus that causes cutaneous candidiasis doesn't want to live in a dry area, and these hygiene practices can help prevent it from growing.

Continue reading for more tips on treating cutaneous candidiasis now.

Change Out Of Damp Clothing Promptly

If individuals work out or sweat profusely, they must change out of damp clothing promptly. One of the least healthy habits individuals can adopt is wearing damp clothing after a workout to run errands or finish their day. Undergarments become damp when individuals work out, and they can foster the growth of any type of fungus found there. This increases an individual's risk of developing cutaneous candidiasis. The best course of action is to exercise and let the sweat come, and then take a quick shower and change into dry clothes. One way to make this easier to remember is to pack a gym bag with a change of clothes when going to the gym to work out.

Get extensive details on how to effectively treat cutaneous candidiasis now.

Reduce Sugar In Diet

One of the most common causes of cutaneous candidiasis is eating too much sugar. If individuals can reduce the sugar they consume, they can help prevent the occurrence of infections like this. There are two reasons for this. The first reason sugar can increase an individual's risk of developing cutaneous candidiasis is medical studies have shown some correlation between this condition and high-sugar diets. Individuals who eat a high-sugar diet are far more likely to develop cutaneous candidiasis than those who do not eat as much sugar. The second reason is individuals who are overweight are more likely to develop these infections on their skin. A diet high in sugar can cause a person to become overweight, which can cause their risk of infection to grow. Thus, sugar reduction is key to dealing with cutaneous candidiasis.

Learn more about how to treat cutaneous candidiasis now.

Wear Loose Clothing

Individuals who are going to work out and sweat should wear loose clothing when they do so. For instance, running in loose pants versus tight yoga pants allows the sweat the body produces to dissipate faster. It's not stuck inside of skintight clothing, which means clothes can dry out faster. When dealing with a current case of cutaneous candidiasis, patients should wear loose clothing as much as possible, even when they are not working out. When sweat is able to dry faster, it gives fungus less time to make itself at home and cause a skin infection like cutaneous candidiasis.

Keep reading for more detailed information about how to treat cases of cutaneous candidiasis as effectively as possible.

Add Probiotics To Diet

Probiotics are great for keeping fungus at bay. Yogurt, for example, contains good bacteria. This kind of good bacteria helps the body fight the bad bacteria and fungus, which can lower an individual's risk of developing skin infections like cutaneous candidiasis. It's not uncommon for a doctor to tell a patient it's helpful to eat more yogurt for the probiotic benefits, particularly when dealing with a skin condition like this one. Patients can also take probiotic supplements if they feel the need to add more to their everyday diet. Individuals have natural bacteria and fungus in the body all the time, but probiotics can overpower the bad ones and keep them in check using the good ones. What's so helpful about probiotics is they can be added to one's diet before an individual suffers from cutaneous candidiasis or a similar condition, thus minimizing the risk of developing an infection at all.

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