Most Common Foods Proven To Help With Arthritis

A 2013 study published in the Osteoarthritis and Cartilage medical journal studied participants with arthritis who drank tart cherry juice. The patients who drank the juice all had marked improvements in their mobility, stiffness, and pain. This was due to them being exposed to more anthocyanin, which is the ingredient in cherries that gives them their red color. Anthocyanin from food is widely used around the world to aid with joint pain and swelling and this study only provides further proof to the notion it is helpful.
Thus, arthritis patients who really want to reduce their joint pain and stiffness and as a result, increase their mobility, should look at including cherries in their diet. They can, of course, eat the actual fruit, but as is clear, tart cherry juice will fit the bill as well. Individuals just need to be sure they are drinking real cherry juice and not a sugary cocktail, or they will not see the improvement in their arthritis.