Guide To Thyroid Cancer Symptoms
Hoarseness In The Voice

Hoarseness in the voice alone is not indicative of thyroid cancer. Individuals may suffer this kind of hoarseness after a late night at a concert or party, after cheering at sports endeavors, or even when they are not feeling well. A sore throat can be little more than a one-time occurrence, or it can be a sign of thyroid cancer. The problem lies in figuring out which one it might be.
The most common and most telltale sign an individual's sore throat and hoarse voice is more than just a one-time occurrence is the length of time it lasts. If an individual was diagnosed with a sore throat or strep throat, for example, their hoarse voice might last anywhere from a few days to a week or more. However, it should subside as they get better. If it does not, it might be a sign they are suffering from a health issue more serious than a passing viral infection.