Guide To Thyroid Cancer Symptoms

Trouble Swallowing

Photo Credit: Dreamstime

Trouble swallowing is similar to a hoarse voice in that it is not a concern when it is an isolated symptom. If individuals have a sore throat, it hurts to swallow. It is not uncommon to find they are having trouble with this when their throat hurts. Patients will avoid it at all costs, which is a feeling everyone's experienced at least once. The problem occurs when individuals find swallowing is a recurring problem and when it hurts for days on end without any relief.

If patients call the doctor and end up with a diagnosis of bronchitis or even strep throat, they probably have nothing to worry about. If their troubles do not go away after their illness is over, patients should call their doctor again. Now it is time to discuss the fact their troubles might be more than a common illness. The doctor will need to know how long this has been going on, when it began, how badly it hurts to swallow, as well as the answers to several other questions. Early diagnosis is the best chance of treating this type of cancer.

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