Guide To The Causes Of Hand Tremors
Hand tremors occur when the hands shake involuntarily and rhythmically. They often happen in episodes. Tremors may make it difficult for patients to carry out daily tasks such as eating, writing, using the computer, dressing, and cooking. Hand tremors are often benign. However, it is important to have a doctor investigate them. This is because they can be early indicators of a neurological condition. Doctors will begin by asking the patient about their health history and current medications. They will also conduct a physical examination. This exam includes checks of the patient's reflexes, sensation, strength, gait, and coordination. Doctors may also evaluate the tremors by asking the patient to drink from a glass, write, or hold their arms outstretched.
Hand tremors treatment largely depends on the underlying cause. However, there are some standard options. Hand tremors medication ranges from anxiety medication to medicine for Parkinson's disease. There are also many home remedies for hand tremors, including relaxation techniques such as meditation and mindfulness. Of course, as mentioned, patients must understand the cause of their hand tremors first.
Panic Or Anxiety

Hand tremors sometimes occur as a result of panic or anxiety. For example, individuals experiencing a panic attack may report shaky hands. In these cases, hand tremors are likely the result of mental health issues and not an indication of a physical underlying medical condition. However, patients experiencing hand tremors and anxiety or panic should still see their primary doctor. This is to ensure that this symptom is not due to an undiagnosed neurological condition.
If the tremors are the result of anxiety or panic, doctors may prescribe anti-anxiety medication. Individuals who choose to take benzodiazepines may require frequent follow-up visits since some of these medications can be habit-forming. In addition to medication, patients may want to consider seeing a counselor or psychiatrist to learn behavioral techniques that could reduce panic attacks and anxiety symptoms.