What Causes A Subarachnoid Hemorrhage?

Arteriovenous Malformation Bleeding

Photo Credit: Narconon

An arteriovenous malformation is an abnormal, tangled cluster of blood vessels in the brain. Experts estimate they occur in only one percent of the population, and they often produce no symptoms. Many arteriovenous malformations are found after brain scans performed for another reason. Some patients might experience symptoms such as seizures, headaches in a particular area of the head, and numbness or muscle weakness isolated to one section of the body. Symptoms typically start between the ages of ten and forty. Once an individual reaches middle age, arteriovenous malformations usually become stable and are less likely to produce symptoms. Arteriovenous malformations are most common in males. Like aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations could rupture, and the resultant arteriovenous malformation bleeding could trigger a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Surgery is the most frequently used treatment method for arteriovenous malformations, and doctors might choose to perform a surgical resection (removal) of the malformation if possible. Other surgical options that may be considered include endovascular embolization and stereotactic radiosurgery.

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