Guide To The Causes And Complications Of Anhidrosis

Heat Cramps, Exhaustion, And Stroke

Photo Credit: Dreamstime

Heat cramps, exhaustion, and stroke are complications of anhidrosis that can be very serious, particularly since the lack of sweating not only makes them more likely, but also harder to detect. These complications are most likely to occur while patients are outdoors in hot weather. Patients who have muscle pain or muscle spasms could be experiencing heat cramps, and individuals in the early stages of heat exhaustion often notice a fast pulse, weakness, and nausea. Patients with any of these symptoms should go to a cool place, ideally an indoor location with air conditioning. Clothing can be loosened, and applying cool cloths to the body may help. If symptoms do not improve within an hour, the patient should go to the emergency room. Heat stroke is the most serious type of heat-related condition, and it can be life-threatening. Individuals who have heat stroke will have a temperature of at least 103 degrees Fahrenheit, and their skin could be very dry, red, or hot. Heatstroke needs immediate medical care, and emergency services should be called.

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