Types Of Tularemia And Their Symptoms
Oculoglandular Tularemia

This form of tularemia occurs when the Francisella tularensis bacterium enters the body through the eyes. Patients may contract this type of tularemia if they touch their eyes while handling or butchering an animal infected with the bacterium. Transmission may also take place if a drop of blood from an infected organism enters the eye through splashing. Symptoms that can occur with oculoglandular tularemia include eye pain, sensitivity to light, redness of the eyes, and discharge from the eyes. Some patients may also develop swelling of the eyes, and an ulcer could form on the inside of the eyelid. The lymph nodes around the ear, neck, and jaw may become swollen and tender too. To prevent oculoglandular tularemia, experts advise individuals to wear gloves and protective eyewear when handling animals that could carry Francisella tularensis.
Uncover more types of tularemia now.