What Is Peritoneal Dialysis?
Benefits Over Hemodialysis

Peritoneal dialysis is different from traditional dialysis methods and has many benefits over hemodialysis. One of the main reasons why many patients choose to have peritoneal dialysis is because it is more convenient than hemodialysis. Peritoneal dialysis can be done at home or on the go, where hemodialysis requires a visit to a medical facility three times a week with a session duration of four hours. Some patients live too far to travel to undergo dialysis three times a week. In addition, hemodialysis requires an individual to watch how much fluids, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus they consume to prevent complications. Patients who choose to have peritoneal dialysis only have to watch their calorie and sodium consumption. Furthermore, multiple studies have proven patients who use peritoneal dialysis are more likely to retain their kidney function for longer than individuals who have hemodialysis. Some of these benefits are attributed to the fact peritoneal dialysis is performed on a more continuous and frequent basis similar to how healthy kidney would operate, where hemodialysis filters less frequently on a bulk basis.