Serious Symptoms Of Fatty Liver Disease

Patients in the later stages of fatty liver disease may notice jaundice, a yellowing of the skin or eyes. This symptom indicates the liver is not functioning properly and can no longer filter bilirubin (a yellow liquid) effectively. Individuals with jaundice might also experience intense itching of the skin, and they could also develop redness of the palms and abdominal swelling. Since jaundice could be a sign of liver cancer, patients who observe any changes in their skin color should see a doctor if these do not resolve within a week, especially if skin itchiness is also present.
The doctor will do a visual inspection of the skin and the whites of the eyes, and blood tests will likely be ordered to assess liver function. While jaundice itself does not require treatment in adult patients, determining and treating the underlying cause of this symptom typically improves symptom management, and some patients might even be able to reverse their jaundice completely.